Random Notes and Comments: 10-25 Selectboard meeting

My collection of random comments, notes and thoughts after watching the video recording of the October 25 Norwich Selectboard meeting. Secrecy still shrouds appointment of TM In a prior post, I listed some of the superb questions a resident posed to the Selectboard about the ‘emergency’ appointment of a permanent town manager to a 3-year term. The Selectboard declined to respond to those questions, after asking that they be submitted in writing. Chair Marcia Calloway asked the Board if anyone Continue reading Random Notes and Comments: 10-25 Selectboard meeting

Questions remain on the ’emergency’ hiring of a permanent Town Manager

On September 27, the Norwich Selectboard appointed Brennan Duffy as the permanent Town Manager, after an 18 minute executive session. The vote was 3-2. The sudden hiring of the interim Town Manager for the permanent position came without warning. It was preceded by two emergency meetings to discuss the Interim Town Manager’s contract. Emergency meetings do not require public notice. To date, the only additional information explaining the Selectboard’s decision to forego its planned national search for a Town Manager Continue reading Questions remain on the ’emergency’ hiring of a permanent Town Manager

Chair and Vice Chair of the Planning Commission resign

The Norwich Planning Commission is experiencing significant upheaval in membership. The latest: Planning Commission Chair Jacqueline Allen and Vice Chair Brian Loeb have resigned “effective immediately,” that is May 18. That brings the turnover in membership to four on the seven member commission since Town Meeting. In March, two members did not seek reappointment when their terms expired The resignation letters are in the amended Selectboard packet for the Board’s meeting on May 24 at pages 13 and 14. Mr. Continue reading Chair and Vice Chair of the Planning Commission resign

Court: Norwich violated Open Meeting Law

In a recent decision, a Vermont Superior Court Judge ruled that two working groups of the Norwich Finance Committee violated the Open Meeting Law when they met in 2020. The Town asserted the groups were not subject to the Open Meeting Law because they were not “public bodies”. The Court disagreed, saying to “conclude otherwise would make a mockery of the Open Meeting Law.” Full disclosure: I am the plaintiff in the case, proceeding without the assistance of a lawyer. Continue reading Court: Norwich violated Open Meeting Law

Norwich Legislators in the General Assembly: VTDigger’s Summary of Their Ethics Disclosure Forms

As part of its Full Disclosure series, VTDigger summarized the ethics disclosure forms of all legislators currently in office in the Vermont General Assembly. Below is the information regarding those serving Norwich. The full database, as well as an analysis of trends is in Full Disclosure: What lawmakers’ ethics forms reveal about their lives outside the Legislature by Erin Petenko published on VTDigger on April 20, 2023. House Legislator Employer (House Only) Boards or Service Roles Corporate Ownership James “Jim” Continue reading Norwich Legislators in the General Assembly: VTDigger’s Summary of Their Ethics Disclosure Forms

Selectboard puts off discussion of adding fifth police officer until Fall

The Norwich Selectboard has “decided” to delay consideration of adding a fifth police officer to the Norwich Police Department until budget season in the Fall. This decision was made at the Selectboard’s meeting on April 12th, where the topic was essentially tabled as part of the agenda setting process. My observations on the topic are at the end of this post, including a task force charge provided by ChatGPT. Background At Town Meeting 2023, voters approved Article 11, which advised Continue reading Selectboard puts off discussion of adding fifth police officer until Fall

Norwich Finance Director departs

At the September 28 Norwich, VT Selectboard meeting, the Town Manager reported that Fielding Essensa was leaving his position as the Town’s Finance Director, as of October 5. The Town Manager and Selectboard members praised his work. No reason was given for his departure. In response to a public comment, Selectboard Chair Arnold said an exit interview would occur. Worker turnover has plagued the Town over the past year and residents are not happy, reports a September 29 Valley News Continue reading Norwich Finance Director departs

Sidewalk upkeep: not getting done

Norwich has $81,000 in its sidewalk designated fund. But, the Town has not done any sidewalk repairs for several years, even though some are in poor condition. Why? Delay makes repairs more costly. “You can pay me now or pay me later” is a phrase some of us remember from the FRAM oil filter commercials in the 1970s and 80s. A 2017 plan proposed by the DPW called for around $165,000 in sidewalk upkeep over six years. (Discussed below.) None Continue reading Sidewalk upkeep: not getting done

ICYMI: “Bid to boost Norwich housing needs your help” appears in the Valley News

On Thursday, the Valley News published an opinion piece by three members of the Norwich Affordable Housing Subcommittee. Bid to boost Norwich housing needs your help is here at the newspaper’s website (registration may be required). The column highlights the need for affordable housing in Norwich and the Upper Valley. It outlines the housing goals of the Norwich Housing Strategy, adopted by the Planning Commission in 2019. Then, the column asks for help on three fronts. The Norwich Housing Strategy Continue reading ICYMI: “Bid to boost Norwich housing needs your help” appears in the Valley News

Green Fleet Working Group: Public not invited

The Norwich Selectboard created a Green Fleet Working Group in September. Not much, if anything, has been publicized about this group since. As it turns out, the Working Group won’t commit to compliance with the Open Meeting Law. Nor will the public at large have representation on this group. That is the word from Town Manager Herb Durfee who is leading the group. What is it about “working groups” that causes officials to conclude that such groups are magically exempt Continue reading Green Fleet Working Group: Public not invited