Yikes: Another executive session on the Town Manager contract

Posted this to the listserv earlier today. The Selectboard is holding a special meeting on Monday, October 24 to discuss the Town Manager Contract. This is the third executive session on this topic. The others, according to published agendas, were on October 18 and September 26. In addition, an executive session was on the agenda for September 28. Topic: Employment of a Public Employee. The Selectboard directly hires one employee – the Town Manager. Anyone know what is the issue with TM Continue reading Yikes: Another executive session on the Town Manager contract

Norwich Finance Director departs

At the September 28 Norwich, VT Selectboard meeting, the Town Manager reported that Fielding Essensa was leaving his position as the Town’s Finance Director, as of October 5. The Town Manager and Selectboard members praised his work. No reason was given for his departure. In response to a public comment, Selectboard Chair Arnold said an exit interview would occur. Worker turnover has plagued the Town over the past year and residents are not happy, reports a September 29 Valley News Continue reading Norwich Finance Director departs

Is the Selectboard being upfront with residents?

Maybe there a good explanation. Maybe, I am wrong. But it seems the recently published Selectboard Statement presents facts that are at odds with those reported by the Town’s consultant, HR Matters. Disquieting, to my little mind. I highlight two here. Further below, I provide the competing text. First is the suggestion by the Selectboard, in the first line of the Statement, that the Town’s workplace issues are “like everywhere else.” In contrast, HR Happens indicates those issues relate to Continue reading Is the Selectboard being upfront with residents?

Commentary: Selectboard ‘Statement’ raises more questions than answers

The Selectboard issued a Statement dated September 14, 2022. I saw it Sunday on the home page of the Town’s website. You can also read it here. It does not have a title. But it addresses topics regarding workplace issues, the work of HR Happens and, new to me, the work of an independent investigator. By my count, this is the second time within the last 12 months that the Town hired an independent investigator to look into workplace issues. Continue reading Commentary: Selectboard ‘Statement’ raises more questions than answers

Agenda item #4: Filling Selectboard Vacancy

The Selectboard aims to fill the vacancy on the Board at its meeting on July 27. The applicants are Aaron Lamperti and Pamela Smith. The person selected will serve until Town Meeting 2023. The vacancy occurred when Claudette Brochu resigned from the Selectboard. The applications are in the Selectboard packet, at pages 3 to 6. Question number 3 on the application asks for “any experiences, skills and/or qualifications which you feel would especially suit you for this appointment.” Ms. Smith Continue reading Agenda item #4: Filling Selectboard Vacancy

Town projects budget surplus of $250,000. No plans to use cash for property tax relief or employee retention bonuses.

The Town projects to have a budget surplus of $250,000 for the fiscal year that ended on June 30, 2022. At its June 22, 2022 meeting, the Selectboard passed on two suggestions for using that money. One was to pay bonuses to current employees. The other, returning money to taxpayers. The lack any real interest in either topic mystifies me. As detailed below, the Town is flush with cash. However, some Selectboard members noted concerns about future expenses. Apparently. Tracy Continue reading Town projects budget surplus of $250,000. No plans to use cash for property tax relief or employee retention bonuses.

Neighbors/Intervenors allege ‘bait and switch’ on Upper Loveland Road solar project

A group of ten residents say Norwich Upper Loveland Solar LLC engaged in “bait and switch” behavior in obtaining preferred site status, from the Norwich Planning Commission and Selectboard, for its over 8-acre solar project off of Upper Loveland Road, near the cell tower. The project is in the Ridgeline Protection Overlay zoning district of Norwich. The ten residents also say the visual impact of the project has changed, since the Planning Commission and Selectboard blessed the project. The residents Continue reading Neighbors/Intervenors allege ‘bait and switch’ on Upper Loveland Road solar project

Police Chief Keeling resigns. A few questions come to mind, about policing in Norwich, efforts to retain Town employees and more.

It’s official. Police Chief Simon Keeling and another full-time officer have left the Norwich Police Department. If you think the Norwich Police Department should be defunded, you are pleased. We are at less than 50% of budgeted staffing levels, by my count. I have questions. No answers. Police Are residents safe? Town Manager Francis says: “With the assistance of county and state agencies Norwich residents will continue to have adequate public safety response.” It would seem that “adequacy” is in Continue reading Police Chief Keeling resigns. A few questions come to mind, about policing in Norwich, efforts to retain Town employees and more.

House Rep Briglin won’t seek reelection

State Representative Tim Briglin, one of two State Reps representing Norwich, Sharon, Strafford, and Thetford in Montpelier, will not seek reelection when his term expires at year-end. He made the announcement in a May 12 listserv post. See below for text. Mr. Briglin was first elected to the General Assembly in 2014. He is the Chair of the House Energy and Technology Committee, holding that position since 2019. He also serves on the Joint Fiscal Committee. According to a May Continue reading House Rep Briglin won’t seek reelection

Norwich DEI Group disbands

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Group (DEI Group) put together by then Town Manager Herb Durfee is no more. The group first met in September 2020 and disbanded in May 2021. This is dated news. But it is new to me and probably the general public, because the DEI Group met without public notice. I recently learned about its dissolution in a litigation document filed by the Town of Norwich in my Open Meeting Law suit. Further, the discovery document Continue reading Norwich DEI Group disbands