A Divided Norwich Selectboard Grapples with Budget Oversight Responsibilities

How closely should the Selectboard examine the budget proposed by the Town Manager? That question dominated a contentious 100-minute discussion at last week’s Norwich Selectboard meeting that ended in a split 3-2 vote to advance a $6.7 million budget to voters at March Town Meeting. The proposed spending plan, which would increase property taxes by 24%, exposed deep divisions about the board’s oversight responsibilities. Selectboard members Arnold, Calloway and Layton voted in favor of the FY 26 budget while Smith Continue reading A Divided Norwich Selectboard Grapples with Budget Oversight Responsibilities

How should Norwich use its opioid settlement funds?

Comedian and political commentator John Oliver recently covered the opioid crisis and the massive settlements on HBO’s “Last Week Tonight.” He highlighted the challenges states and municipalities face trying to use the money effectively, noting the painfully mixed results. Norwich faces a similar issue on a much, much smaller scale. It received $11,765 this fiscal year. Right now, the Town views the money as miscellaneous revenue, which is tragic (selfish?) considering the individuals and families that suffered as a result Continue reading How should Norwich use its opioid settlement funds?

Zooming Out: Selectboard Meetings Going Fully Online

Count me among those concerned about the recent terse announcement that the Selectboard has ended in-person meetings in favor of attendance by Board members only via Zoom. The listserv post of May 9 says in full: Please be advised that, until further notice, all Selectboard meetings will be conducted via Zoom (remotely). Since the end of the Covid crisis, the Selectboard has used a hybrid meeting approach, combining in person attendance with participation via Zoom. However, all Board members generally Continue reading Zooming Out: Selectboard Meetings Going Fully Online

From ARPA to Zoning Director: Important matters facing the Selectboard

As the Norwich Selectboard begins its new term following Town Meeting, here are some matters under consideration by the Board. Overall, addressing these issues will require careful consideration by our officials. \ If I missed something or erred, feel free to comment below or to contact me. * * * Thanks for reading. Contact the Norwich Observer at norwichobserver [at] gmail.com.

Selectboard candidate questionnaire. Q3: Toxic community problem.

The Norwich Observer asked the candidates for Selectboard the same five questions. Below is the third question and the candidates’ responses. A list of all five questions, without responses, is here. QUESTION: Toxic community problem Toxic community problem. When the Selectboard publicly announced the separation agreement with former town manager Roderick Francis, the Board issued a statement that said in part, according to the October 24, 2022 minutes: “Rod has acted honorably and professionally during his tenure despite a personal Continue reading Selectboard candidate questionnaire. Q3: Toxic community problem.

Selectboard candidate questionnaire. Q2: Priorities.

The Norwich Observer asked the candidates for Selectboard the same five questions. Below is the second question and the candidates’ responses. A list of all five questions, without responses, is here. QUESTION: Priorities Priorities. Other than hiring a Town Manager, what are the top three issues that you think the Selectboard should address in the next 12 months? RESPONSES Candidates running for the three-year Selectboard seat Rob Gere: Declined to respond. Marcia Calloway: Projects and issues come and go, a Continue reading Selectboard candidate questionnaire. Q2: Priorities.

Selectboard candidate questionnaire. Q1: Background and qualifications.

The Norwich Observer asked the candidates for Selectboard the same five questions. Below is the first question and the candidates’ responses. A list of all five questions, without responses, is here. QUESTION: Background and qualifications Background and qualifications. For those who do not know you, please provide some info about yourself. Also, what prior experience and skills do you have that make you a good candidate for the Selectboard position? RESPONSES Candidates running for the three-year Selectboard seat Marcia Calloway: Continue reading Selectboard candidate questionnaire. Q1: Background and qualifications.

Is the Selectboard being upfront with residents?

Maybe there a good explanation. Maybe, I am wrong. But it seems the recently published Selectboard Statement presents facts that are at odds with those reported by the Town’s consultant, HR Matters. Disquieting, to my little mind. I highlight two here. Further below, I provide the competing text. First is the suggestion by the Selectboard, in the first line of the Statement, that the Town’s workplace issues are “like everywhere else.” In contrast, HR Happens indicates those issues relate to Continue reading Is the Selectboard being upfront with residents?

Agenda item #4: Filling Selectboard Vacancy

The Selectboard aims to fill the vacancy on the Board at its meeting on July 27. The applicants are Aaron Lamperti and Pamela Smith. The person selected will serve until Town Meeting 2023. The vacancy occurred when Claudette Brochu resigned from the Selectboard. The applications are in the Selectboard packet, at pages 3 to 6. Question number 3 on the application asks for “any experiences, skills and/or qualifications which you feel would especially suit you for this appointment.” Ms. Smith Continue reading Agenda item #4: Filling Selectboard Vacancy

Town to hire an HR professional to “investigate complaints”

What is up with the work environment provided by Norwich town government to its employees? In addition to problems at the DPW garage, other personnel issues have apparently attracted the interest of the Selectboard. I say ‘apparently’ because the Selectboard is saying little, after an executive session lasting more than an hour on April 13. The problem is serious enough that the Selectboard plans to hire “an HR professional to investigate complaints” and “to assist the town in building a Continue reading Town to hire an HR professional to “investigate complaints”