UPDATE: Legislative Apportionment Board opts for single member House and Senate districts, rejecting Norwich BCA recommendation on House

By a 4-3 vote, the Vermont Legislative Apportionment Board (LAB) opted to recommend single-member House and Senate districts across the State. If approved by the General Assembly (and that is a big ‘if’), most of the Town of Norwich would lose all incumbents currently representing its population in the Legislature. As explained by Lola Duffort, a reporter for VTDigger, in a recent article: The General Assembly must redraw its boundaries every 10 years, after the new U.S. census is published, Continue reading UPDATE: Legislative Apportionment Board opts for single member House and Senate districts, rejecting Norwich BCA recommendation on House

UPDATE: Norwich Selectboard chooses Candidate #31 as finalist for Town Manager position

Looks like Candidate #31 may be the next Town Manager of Norwich, subject to background checks and contract negotiations. By unanimous vote at its meeting on December 10, the Selectboard agreed “to go forward with the candidacy of Candidate #31, subject to a full background check.” The Selectboard has not publicly disclosed the identity of #31. The Vermont League of Cities and Towns will conduct the background check. That investigation is the first half of the sixth and final step Continue reading UPDATE: Norwich Selectboard chooses Candidate #31 as finalist for Town Manager position

UPDATE: Town Manager search

A brief update on the search for a new Town Manager for Norwich. Both the Selectboard and the Town Manager Screening Committee have plans to meet on Friday, December 3 to interview the finalists for the Town Manager position. The Selectboard might extend an offer of employment that night. Details of the meeting are not known. As of Thursday at 6 p.m, I did not see an agenda or meeting notice on the listserv or on the Town’s website. That Continue reading UPDATE: Town Manager search

Proposed Police Department budget includes body cams, two replacement vehicles. Police incidents increase by 20%.

The 2023 fiscal year budget for the Norwich Police Department increases by over 7% under the proposal put forth by Acting Police Chief Simon Keeling and Interim Town Manager Rod Francis. The proposal includes body cameras for the police officers and replacement of two 2013 police cruisers. Except for the body cams, the goal of the budget proposal is to maintain the same level of service. Wages and benefits comprises about 75% of the budget. But that line decreases by Continue reading Proposed Police Department budget includes body cams, two replacement vehicles. Police incidents increase by 20%.

UPDATE: Norwich opposes House redistricting proposal, as do Sharon, Strafford and Thetford

The Norwich Board of Civil Authority (BCA) is against the House redistricting proposal put forth by the Legislative Apportionment Board (LAB). The Norwich BCA submitted a formal response to the LAB last week. The BCA’s for Sharon, Strafford and Thetford are also against the change from a four town district. As noted in a prior post, Norwich, Sharon, Strafford and Thetford currently comprise the Windsor-Orange 2 district. It has two representatives in the Vermont House of Representatives. Seeking to create Continue reading UPDATE: Norwich opposes House redistricting proposal, as do Sharon, Strafford and Thetford

ICYMI: Montshire Museum, Norwich University, Farmers Market

A brief roundup of news and information regarding Norwich, Vermont that may have escaped your attention. Montshire names new Executive Director Lara Litchfield-Kimber is the new Executive Director of the Montshire Museum of Science in Norwich, Vermont. The Montshire made the announcement in a November 5 press release. (H/T Daybreak!) Science and science literacy have never been more important—to have a nationally recognized museum here says a lot about our community and what it values, said Trustee Jeremy DeSilva, who Continue reading ICYMI: Montshire Museum, Norwich University, Farmers Market

UPDATES: School Board vacancy, Town Manager search, Interim Town Manager support

An update on topics that the Norwich Observer is following. School Board vacancy filled Lily Trajman was appointed by the Norwich School Board on November 3 to fill the vacancy on the Board due to the resignation of Kelley Hersey. She will serve until Town Meeting in March. The Board selected Dr. Trajman from a field of three candidates, each of whom made presentations to the Board. Dr. Trajman’s letter of interest to the School Board is available here. Her Continue reading UPDATES: School Board vacancy, Town Manager search, Interim Town Manager support

Article 36 Task Force lists potential action items, invites public input

The Article 36 Task Force is winnowing its list of potential action items as it prepares to make recommendations to the Selectboard in December. From a list of nearly 50 items, the Task Force preliminarily narrowed the list to 13 items at its October 28 meeting. However, the list remains a work-in-progress. The Task Force plans to hold three drafting sessions as it further develops the list and report. The first meeting is at 7 PM on November 4, at Continue reading Article 36 Task Force lists potential action items, invites public input

Masland and Briglin pan House redistricting proposal for Norwich

House Representatives Jim Masland and Tim Briglin weighed in for Daybreak on the tentative proposal by Legislative Apportionment Board (LAB) to split the Town of Norwich into two House districts. Rep. Masland says it is: “Bad, bad, bad!” Further, Rep. Briglin believes “there is little/no chance the LAB’s proposal will be adopted by the legislature.” See their complete comments on Daybreak here. However, single member districts get support from Vermont Public Research Interest Group, a left-leaning advocacy organization, as well Continue reading Masland and Briglin pan House redistricting proposal for Norwich

Proposed House districts split Norwich

The Town of Norwich is split into two House districts, under the map tentatively proposed by Legislative Apportionment Board (LAB). The Norwich Board of Civil Authority (BCA) plans to meet on Monday, October 25, 2021 to review the map. At present, Norwich, along with Sharon, Strafford, and Thetford, are in the Windsor-Orange 2 district. It has two representatives in the Vermont House of Representatives. The LAB’s emphasis was to create single member House districts. As a result, the current Windsor-Orange Continue reading Proposed House districts split Norwich