A brief roundup of news and information regarding Norwich, Vermont that may have escaped your attention.
Montshire names new Executive Director
Lara Litchfield-Kimber is the new Executive Director of the Montshire Museum of Science in Norwich, Vermont. The Montshire made the announcement in a November 5 press release. (H/T Daybreak!)
Science and science literacy have never been more important—to have a nationally recognized museum here says a lot about our community and what it values, said Trustee Jeremy DeSilva, who led the search efforts for the Board of Trustees. Lara Litchfield-Kimber will take the Montshire to new heights. She is an innovative leader and a charismatic communicator who will be the voice of science in the Upper Valley and beyond for years to come.
The press release is available here.
Norwich University 12th Annual Legacy March
If you saw a group Norwich University cadets in Norwich on Veterans Day, they were likely part of the the annual Legacy March to raise money for veteran’s organizations. The Legacy March re-creates the historical movement in 1866 that brought the cadets from Norwich to Northfield after a disastrous fire on the original campus in Norwich.
The Norwich University press release, 50 Norwich University students to march 50 miles for veterans’ fundraiser in 12th annual Legacy March, says:
Norwich University cadets, alumni and friends will continue their tradition of marching 50 miles to raise money for the Veterans’ Place Inc., a Northfield transition home and support center for homeless veterans.
The three-day Legacy March begins Thursday, Nov. 11, in Norwich, Vermont — Norwich University’s original “hometown” — and ends Saturday, Nov. 13, with the students arriving back to Northfield for lunch.
Covid closes Tracy Hall to the public, affecting Norwich Farmers Market
Due to the trending up of Covid, Tracy Hall is closed to the public. Interim Town Manager Rod Francis made the announcement at the Selectboard meeting on November 10. The draft meeting minutes say that “Tracy Hall closure will continue until Covid conditions have changed.”
As a result, the Norwich Farmers Market has lost its winter home. It plans three more outdoor events in 2021. Then it will close until May, says the website of the Norwich Farmers Market. It will hold its Thanksgiving Market outdoors on November 20 at the Farmers Market Grounds on Route 5 South. Two outdoor markets are also planned for December, in front of St. Barnabas Church.