As the Norwich Selectboard begins its new term following Town Meeting, here are some matters under consideration by the Board.
- Town Manager Search. Norwich has not had a permanent Town Manager since early November, when the Selectboard paid Roderick Francis over $50,000 to resign. The budget starting July 1 includes $30,000 for Town Manager recruitment. However, waiting until July to begin the search could leave Norwich without a permanent Town Manager until 2024. Should the town wait that long? (The last Town Manager search took six months from start to finish, with few attractive candidates.)
- ARPA money. The Town has over $1,000,000 in ARPA money to spend on qualifying projects. The deadline to “obligate” these funds is December 31, 2024. That may seem like a long time, but it took 20 years to get voter approval to build a new police station. Perhaps, using the money for the Marion Cross School septic makes sense. “If input is needed to gather information,” the Vermont League of Cities and Towns recommends “creating an ARPA Advisory Committee to help shoulder the work.”
- Tracy Hall renovations. The HVAC systems at Tracy Hall need a major upgrade. Time to go green? Further, before ripping up floors and walls for new ductwork, it also makes sense to re-imagine the floor plan. In view of ARPA deadliness, is it time to commission a feasibility study by an engineering or architectural firm?
- Police staffing. Voters approved Article 11, the advisory article to add an additional police officer to the Police Department. Will the Selectboard heed the advice of voters and where will the money come from?
- Finance Director and Planning and Zoning Director. Both positions are open. Zoning regulations need a significant update, and building permits need approval. More importantly, town financials did not get the CPA’s blessing. In addition, the Finance Director needs to appreciate the role of the Town Treasurer, an elected official with responsibilities set by statute. Also, should the next permanent Town Manager have a say in the selection of department heads?
- Union contract. The union contract covering police and DPW workers expires on June 30. The Labor Negotiations Team for the Town has conducted several strategy meetings in executive session and presumably the same number of discussions with the union. Is an agreement near? Impact on the budget and employee workplace concerns?
- Hazardous material dripping from Moore Lane Bridge. A containment structure is in place. However, the fix is untested and temporary. Come hot weather, issues regarding this health hazard will demand attention.
Overall, addressing these issues will require careful consideration by our officials. \
If I missed something or erred, feel free to comment below or to contact me.
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Thanks for reading. Contact the Norwich Observer at norwichobserver [at] gmail.com.
As you know the Norwich Farm Foundation attempt to obtain a 10 year tax
exemption was soundly defeated by the voters. Also their submission for same was withdrawn from a recent SB meeting until the NFF can “rewrite” their mission statement to qualify for the exemption. Perhaps you could look into this to discover what the status is?
Thanks Chris,
This is a great post to start us all off on a new foot.
I missed the meeting last night so will be interested to see a replay.
This is a very helpful posting to those of us who need education and information in local politics.
thank you