Town to hire an HR professional to “investigate complaints”

What is up with the work environment provided by Norwich town government to its employees? In addition to problems at the DPW garage, other personnel issues have apparently attracted the interest of the Selectboard. I say ‘apparently’ because the Selectboard is saying little, after an executive session lasting more than an hour on April 13. The problem is serious enough that the Selectboard plans to hire “an HR professional to investigate complaints” and “to assist the town in building a Continue reading Town to hire an HR professional to “investigate complaints”

Boston Globe: Dan & Whit’s, ‘king among Vermont country stores’

Boston Globe: Vermont has lost over 100 country stores. But in some small towns, there is hope yet, by Hanna Krueger: Country stores are as quintessential to the Vermont countryside as bodegas are to the streets of Queens.To the passing tourist, they may appear as mere souvenir shops where you can stock up on maple syrup and a Bernie Sanders mug before heading south. But to the locals, they are as crucial as a watering hole in the African Sahara. Continue reading Boston Globe: Dan & Whit’s, ‘king among Vermont country stores’

Norwich Town Meeting results for 2022

With the exception of the Police and Public Safety Study article, which was defeated, all other articles on the Norwich Town Warning received voter approval. In the only contested race for office, incumbent Roger Arnold bested Pam Smith for the three year Selectboard seat. The Town posted the results this afternoon here. Also of note, funding for the Norwich Fair fireworks passed by 90 votes. In comparison, the measure passed by over 300 votes last year. Some vote tallies on Continue reading Norwich Town Meeting results for 2022

Unpacking the new Town Manager’s contract

We have a new Town Manager. With that comes a new contract. The employment agreement with newly appointed Town Manager Roderick Francis differs in several significant respects from the initial contract with former Town Manager Herb Durfee. I will highlight some of those and other terms that caught my eye, below. Notably, the contract length is five years. No other Town Manager in Norwich has survived that long. Either the Selectboard is highly confident or it lacked bargaining power. Also, Continue reading Unpacking the new Town Manager’s contract

On slush funds and Article 7 – Vote NO

Posted this on the listserv on Wednesday. Thought I would also post it here. Norwich has had a slush fund for years. It’s called the undesignated fund. VOTER approval is needed to spend that money. Under Article 7, the Selectboard is given control of up to $800,000 of that cash, limited by only an extremely broad purpose statement. Sadly, this shift in control from Voters to the Selectboard is not explicitly mentioned in the Board’s video presentation on Article 7. Continue reading On slush funds and Article 7 – Vote NO

‘Preferred siting’ for solar is back on Selectboard agenda

The Selectboard will hear a presentation from Town Manager (and Director of Planning) Roderick Francis on the topic of preferred siting for solar projects at its meeting on February 23. It is agenda item #7. However, no materials on that item are in the Selectboard packet released on Friday for the meeting. Preferred site status for solar panel farms sparked outcry at the February 9 Selectboard meeting. Several neighbors near the proposed 8-acre Upper Loveland Road project are asking the Continue reading ‘Preferred siting’ for solar is back on Selectboard agenda

Truth-in-advertising? Selectboard presentation on town budget and article 7

Maybe I am a fussbudget. Nonetheless, I do not understand why the Selectboard can’t be more forthcoming in its Town Meeting slide presentation. Specifically, I am referring to the slides for the Town budget and for Article 7. Voters deserve transparency. A presentation is scheduled for February 14 and again, at the pre-Town Meeting. Budget Above is Slide number 5 from Selectboard’s presentation. I am not sure this statement – “maintaining current services while accounting for the coming year’s high Continue reading Truth-in-advertising? Selectboard presentation on town budget and article 7

FYI: Site video and plans of the proposed Upper Loveland Road solar farm

A video of the proposed solar panel farm location was posted on YouTube by Ameridane Press on February 9. It is available below and here. To give that video more context, below is a portion of the Act 250 Site Plan. It was submitted to the PUC by Norwich Technologies in the CPG proceeding for the proposed Upper Loveland Road solar farm. However, I believe the map dates back to the permit for the cell tower over ten years ago. Continue reading FYI: Site video and plans of the proposed Upper Loveland Road solar farm

Rod Francis named as Town Manager

The Selectboard selected Roderick Francis as the next Town Manager for Norwich, at the Board’s meeting on February 9. Mr. Francis is currently the Director of Planning for the Town as well as its Interim Town Manager. The vote was 4-1, with Selectboard member Marcia Calloway voting no. The other Selectboard members indicated they were very happy with the selection. Contract terms were not disclosed. [END]

A group of residents asks the Selectboard to rescind preferred site status granted to proposed Upper Loveland Road solar farm

A group of six residents is asking the Selectboard to rescind the preferred site status the Town granted to a proposed Upper Loveland Road solar panel farm in August. The neighbors say the project violates the Town Plan. In addition, they complain the Selectboard made no specific effort to notify property owners abutting the site. The matter is not an agenda item. The letter dated February 3 (“Letter”) is in the Selectboard packet for the February 9 meeting, at page Continue reading A group of residents asks the Selectboard to rescind preferred site status granted to proposed Upper Loveland Road solar farm