UPDATE: School Board and Selectboard candidates; Town Manager search

Who’s running for School Board and Selectboard? Both School Board and both Selectboard incumbents up for election are asking voters to return them to office at Town Meeting in March. Three will face no formal opposition. Here is the line up as provided to me by Town Clerk Bonnie Munday. For Norwich School Board, Garrett Palm is running unopposed for a second term for a two-year seat. Lily Trajman is also running unopposed for the three-year seat that the School Continue reading UPDATE: School Board and Selectboard candidates; Town Manager search

Update on Town Manager search: #31 gets an offer

A brief update on the Town Manager search. Draft meeting minutes from the special Selectboard meeting on Friday report that the Selectboard extended “an offer of employment as Town Manager to Candidate #31 contingent upon contract negotiations. Motion passed (4 yes, Calloway no).” [END]

UPDATE: Norwich Selectboard chooses Candidate #31 as finalist for Town Manager position

Looks like Candidate #31 may be the next Town Manager of Norwich, subject to background checks and contract negotiations. By unanimous vote at its meeting on December 10, the Selectboard agreed “to go forward with the candidacy of Candidate #31, subject to a full background check.” The Selectboard has not publicly disclosed the identity of #31. The Vermont League of Cities and Towns will conduct the background check. That investigation is the first half of the sixth and final step Continue reading UPDATE: Norwich Selectboard chooses Candidate #31 as finalist for Town Manager position

UPDATE: Town Manager search

A brief update on the search for a new Town Manager for Norwich. Both the Selectboard and the Town Manager Screening Committee have plans to meet on Friday, December 3 to interview the finalists for the Town Manager position. The Selectboard might extend an offer of employment that night. Details of the meeting are not known. As of Thursday at 6 p.m, I did not see an agenda or meeting notice on the listserv or on the Town’s website. That Continue reading UPDATE: Town Manager search

UPDATES: School Board vacancy, Town Manager search, Interim Town Manager support

An update on topics that the Norwich Observer is following. School Board vacancy filled Lily Trajman was appointed by the Norwich School Board on November 3 to fill the vacancy on the Board due to the resignation of Kelley Hersey. She will serve until Town Meeting in March. The Board selected Dr. Trajman from a field of three candidates, each of whom made presentations to the Board. Dr. Trajman’s letter of interest to the School Board is available here. Her Continue reading UPDATES: School Board vacancy, Town Manager search, Interim Town Manager support

Norwich Selectboard’s choice for interim town manager declines job

The Norwich Selectboard’s choice for interim town manager will not be coming aboard, as that person accepted a different job offer. Selectboard Chair Roger Arnold made the announcement at the October 13 Selectboard meeting. No next steps were discussed. The Selectboard Chair made the offer sometime after the Board’s approval at a special meeting on September 14. However, at the October 13 meeting, Chair Arnold said the “candidate has accepted another position and is unfortunately no longer available to to Continue reading Norwich Selectboard’s choice for interim town manager declines job

Selectboard charts course for Town Manager search

At its meeting on September 29, the Selectboard charted a course for the Town Manager search process. The goal is to have a new Town Manager at her or his post by February 1, 2022. The Board approved the recruitment plan in the packet, according to the draft meeting minutes. A soft deadline for applications is October 29. First round interviews are scheduled for November 4 and 5. The final interview process occurs about 10-15 days later, involving two or Continue reading Selectboard charts course for Town Manager search

Why can’t Norwich be happy with its Town Manager?

By my count, Norwich has had five permanent Town Managers since the first Town Manager was hired in 2002. None lasted five years. According to a recent Valley News article by Tim Camerato, “Norwich has a contentious history with past town managers.” Is it time for Norwich to look in the mirror? The five Town Managers in chronological order are: Dennis Pavlicek (resigned) Stephen J. Soares (?resigned to be police chief in Windsor?), Peter Webster (contract not renewed), Neil Fulton Continue reading Why can’t Norwich be happy with its Town Manager?

What role for residents in Town Manager search?

At its meeting on September 8, the Selectboard heard a presentation from the Vermont League of Cities and Towns (VLCT) on how it plans to conduct the search for a new Town Manager. Not yet publicly discussed by the Selectboard is the role the community will play in the process. That may occur at the Board meeting on September 22. The Selectboard should proactively involve the public. The Town Manager is often the sole point of contact between members of Continue reading What role for residents in Town Manager search?

Norwich Town Manager won’t get new contract

The Selectboard will not pursue another employment agreement with Town Manager Herb Durfee. As a result, Mr. Durfee’s role as the Town Manager for Norwich will end at the end of August, when his current contract expires. The decision was made at the Selectboard meeting last night, July 28. The video of that meeting is here, with the discussion beginning at about 1:49:25. (Thanks DW.) The vote was unanimous with Mary Layton abstaining. After the vote, Selectboard Chair Roger Arnold Continue reading Norwich Town Manager won’t get new contract