At its meeting on September 29, the Selectboard charted a course for the Town Manager search process. The goal is to have a new Town Manager at her or his post by February 1, 2022.
The Board approved the recruitment plan in the packet, according to the draft meeting minutes. A soft deadline for applications is October 29. First round interviews are scheduled for November 4 and 5. The final interview process occurs about 10-15 days later, involving two or three finalists for the job The Selectboard apparently plans to make a decision around Thanksgiving, subject to a background check and negotiation of a contract. The schedule is below.

The advertisement for the position was posted on the VLCT website on October 7 and can be viewed here.
Public input
Public involvement is planned in three ways. First, two or three members of the public will serve on the five member Town Manager Screening Committee. That committee will screen resumes, recommend 8-10 candidates, and help conduct interviews. Selectboard members on that committee are Marcia Calloway and Mary Layton. The Selectboard plans to select public members at its meeting on October 13. The applications of a number of excellent candidates are in the Selectboard packet for that meeting.
Second, before the first round of interviews, residents will have an opportunity to participate in a one or two question survey. Based on the YouTube video of the 9/29 Selectboard meeting, the survey will likely ask residents for proposed interview questions.
Finally, as part of the final interview process, a panel of three Selectboard members and “5 to 7 community members and/or staff” will conduct a second round of interviews with two or three finalists. The consultant suggests that the panel consists of people who are not members of the Town Manager Screening Committee.
Final interview process
The final interview process is rigorous, consisting of several components. According to the packet materials, the components are:
o A written assignment will be given to each of the finalists for them to complete and present.
o A panel interview … by a panel [consisting of] 5 to 7 community members and/or staff [and] 2 to 3 Selectboard members. … Consultant will screen interview questions and will facilitate interviews which will be 45 minutes in length.
o Tour of Town – Each candidate will be given a 45-minute tour of the town and town facilities by Planning Director.
o Meeting with Interim Manager – Each candidate will have an opportunity to ask questions of the Interim Manager for 45 minutes.
o Interview with Selectboard – Each candidate will be interviewed for 45 minutes. Consultant will facilitate.
Following that process, the full Selectboard will debrief the panel members, Planning Director, and Interim Town Manager. Then, the Selectboard will discuss the finalists and select one.
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Thank you again, Chris, for helping us to stay informed on some of what is happening in town.
Appreciate that, Terry. Thanks for reading.