Transparency? Selectboard approves no-bid contract, without public notice. Selectboard packet ‘revised’ after issuance.

The Selectboard approved a no bid contract for an engineering study related to the replacement of the box culvert on Route 132. Fees paid to Stantec Engineering are not subject to competitive bids. The action, taken on June 10, was not on the agenda. That seems like a violation of the Vermont Open Meeting Law. No materials were in the original Selectboard packet. In addition, the Selectboard packet was “revised” after issuance to include information about the no-bid contract. As Continue reading Transparency? Selectboard approves no-bid contract, without public notice. Selectboard packet ‘revised’ after issuance.

Selectboard condemns murder of George Floyd and structural racism. Doesn’t tell world. [Corrected]

At its meeting on Wednesday, the Selectboard passed a resolution condemning the murder of George Floyd and structural racism. A copy of the resolution taken as a screenshot from the CATV video of the June 10, 2020 meeting is below. It is not a great copy. My computer skills are limited. The document may be easier to read on the CATV video at the 19 minute mark. I think it is a shame that the Town did not publicize the Continue reading Selectboard condemns murder of George Floyd and structural racism. Doesn’t tell world. [Corrected]

Budget Watch: Does Norwich need a capital plan?

The Town’s need for a capital plan was on display at the Selectboard meeting on May 27. The Town Manager reported that Norwich will likely need to borrow money to repair the box culvert on Route 132 and to replace an aging dump truck. These expenses are not covered by sufficient reserves in their respective designated funds. Ad hoc decisions by the Selectboard on the financing of significant expenditures is not a preferred approach. Financial experts suggest instead a capital Continue reading Budget Watch: Does Norwich need a capital plan?

Family objects to solar panel farm in ‘front of our house’

The relaxed solar siting rules in Norwich have possibly claimed its first casualty. A family whose home is across from the proposed 150 kW solar farm on Turnpike Road recently wrote to the Selectboard to complain. “[We] were shocked to discover the proposed site for this very large installation is directly across Turnpike Road from the front of our house.” In the past, the Selectboard had the power to step in and exercise some control over site selection on undeveloped Continue reading Family objects to solar panel farm in ‘front of our house’

Selectboard says ‘no’ to agenda item on saving $450,000 on Tracy Hall geothermal project

A proposal to save up to $450,000 on the Tracy Hall geothermal project will not get an airing by the Selectboard. Why? Not enough interest by Board members to place the item on the agenda. The facts as I understand them follow. At no cost to the Town, former Selectboard member Steve Flanders has been working with two consultants reviewing the project proposal by EEI. In a memorandum to the Selectboard, Mr. Flanders wrote: “Communication with two engineering experts in Continue reading Selectboard says ‘no’ to agenda item on saving $450,000 on Tracy Hall geothermal project

Voters to reconsider Article 8. Date of the election remains uncertain due to coronavirus.

Norwich voters will have the opportunity to reconsider their decision in favor of Article 8 at a special election. Coronavirus concerns may push the date for that election out by several months. Concerned Citizens of Norwich recently announced the completion of its successful petition drive to hold a special town meeting to reconsider Article 8. “We’re excited to share the good news that the petition—OUR PETITION—had the sufficient number of signatures (224 submitted on March 25th and dozens more after Continue reading Voters to reconsider Article 8. Date of the election remains uncertain due to coronavirus.

Budget Watch: Did the Selectboard just spend $15,000 not in the budget?

Last week, the Norwich Selectboard approved spending of up to $15,000 on the Tracy Hall geothermal project. Amazingly, to me at least, there was no mention during the hour discussion about where this money to pay the bill might come from. I watched the replay of the meeting on CATV. There was acknowledgement that residents have the statutory right to a re-vote and that voters may reject the project on the re-vote set for May 12. But, the Selectboard wanted Continue reading Budget Watch: Did the Selectboard just spend $15,000 not in the budget?

On my Soapbox: new Town Plan excludes community from solar siting decisions

“Thanks for keeping it local,” is a Norwich mantra. Except … when it comes to the siting of solar panel farms. In that case, the Selectboard and Planning Commission think its okay to punt those decisions to the PUC. It is part of the new Town Plan, adopted by the Selectboard on Saturday, March 7. The old Town Plan, adopted less than two years ago, took a case by case approach to commercial solar projects. Many Vermont towns do the Continue reading On my Soapbox: new Town Plan excludes community from solar siting decisions

Coronavirus Response: Dan and Whit’s offers pick up and delivery service

As a response to the Coronavirus outbreak, Dan and Whit’s is dusting off a practice common in the 1950’s. It is offering pick-up and delivery services. The General Store made the announcement yesterday on the listserv. Dan Fraser’s post lays out the ground rules of what he terms a “work in progress.” The time has come (actually it once was) we are just re-establishing  the service that was once common in the 1950’s, due in part to limit exposure to germs Continue reading Coronavirus Response: Dan and Whit’s offers pick up and delivery service

For the Record: Official Town Meeting Results On Selected Articles

Below are the official 2020 Town Meeting results on selected articles. Complete results as published on the Town’s website are here. Noteworthy are the votes on Article 6 and 8. First, Article 6 failed by a wide margin. It asked to spend $11,000 to install flashing lights at two additional village crosswalks. Much controversy erupted before and after the installation of the first two. But, there was no talk on this Article 6 on the listserv. At pre-Town meeting, as Continue reading For the Record: Official Town Meeting Results On Selected Articles