Category Archives: $2 million bond for geothermal
[Update] Think Big Norwich: Why Not Community Geothermal?
One of the reasons I plan to vote against Article 8 is that the Town Facilities Working Group gave no consideration to a geothermal heating district. Unbeknownst to me, the Energy Committee backed the idea of a heating district for the Village in a 2010 report. That report, as well as a pilot project in Massachusetts, are the reasons for this update. Time to dust off that 2010 report and do some legwork! Back in February, I wrote a blog Continue reading [Update] Think Big Norwich: Why Not Community Geothermal?
Article 8 – voting no, as a renovation project

I posted the following on the listserv today regarding the re-vote on the Tracy Hall geothermal project. Thought I would share it here. Following the listserv post, I add below an additional, out-of-box thought about the Tracy Hall cupola. Listserv post Public officials tout the Tracy Hall geothermal project as a renovation project, primarily because approximately $1 million of the cost is dedicated to improving the ventilation system at Tracy Hall. However, viewed in that light, the project proposal strikes Continue reading Article 8 – voting no, as a renovation project
Selectboard says ‘no’ to agenda item on saving $450,000 on Tracy Hall geothermal project
A proposal to save up to $450,000 on the Tracy Hall geothermal project will not get an airing by the Selectboard. Why? Not enough interest by Board members to place the item on the agenda. The facts as I understand them follow. At no cost to the Town, former Selectboard member Steve Flanders has been working with two consultants reviewing the project proposal by EEI. In a memorandum to the Selectboard, Mr. Flanders wrote: “Communication with two engineering experts in Continue reading Selectboard says ‘no’ to agenda item on saving $450,000 on Tracy Hall geothermal project
Voters to reconsider Article 8. Date of the election remains uncertain due to coronavirus.
Norwich voters will have the opportunity to reconsider their decision in favor of Article 8 at a special election. Coronavirus concerns may push the date for that election out by several months. Concerned Citizens of Norwich recently announced the completion of its successful petition drive to hold a special town meeting to reconsider Article 8. “We’re excited to share the good news that the petition—OUR PETITION—had the sufficient number of signatures (224 submitted on March 25th and dozens more after Continue reading Voters to reconsider Article 8. Date of the election remains uncertain due to coronavirus.
Budget Watch: Did the Selectboard just spend $15,000 not in the budget?

Last week, the Norwich Selectboard approved spending of up to $15,000 on the Tracy Hall geothermal project. Amazingly, to me at least, there was no mention during the hour discussion about where this money to pay the bill might come from. I watched the replay of the meeting on CATV. There was acknowledgement that residents have the statutory right to a re-vote and that voters may reject the project on the re-vote set for May 12. But, the Selectboard wanted Continue reading Budget Watch: Did the Selectboard just spend $15,000 not in the budget?
For the Record: Official Town Meeting Results On Selected Articles

Below are the official 2020 Town Meeting results on selected articles. Complete results as published on the Town’s website are here. Noteworthy are the votes on Article 6 and 8. First, Article 6 failed by a wide margin. It asked to spend $11,000 to install flashing lights at two additional village crosswalks. Much controversy erupted before and after the installation of the first two. But, there was no talk on this Article 6 on the listserv. At pre-Town meeting, as Continue reading For the Record: Official Town Meeting Results On Selected Articles
Article 8: I’m voting NO

I posted the following on the listserv today. Call me old school but I think $2 million is a lot money. Building the Public Safety Building cost around $1.6 million. Before spending $2 million on geothermal, let’s take stock, assess capital wants and needs, and determine priorities. The public discussion of geothermal occurred in a vacuum, without any consideration of other capital costs the Town may face. That is not prudent, unless money is no object. The Town Manager is Continue reading Article 8: I’m voting NO
Condition of Tracy Hall boilers do not justify ‘rush’ to geothermal
Does the condition of the Tracy Hall heating boilers and ventilation system justify going geothermal immediately? Proponents of Article 8 on the Town Meeting ballot answer, yes. My analysis below says otherwise. Neither item requires an immediate fix. For that reason, the Selectboard erred in rushing to put this matter on the ballot. Before voting on a $2 million bond, the Town needs to develop a strategic plan for all capital spending. It makes little sense to commit to $3,000,000 Continue reading Condition of Tracy Hall boilers do not justify ‘rush’ to geothermal
Think Big Norwich: Why Not Community Geothermal?

Perhaps,Town officials are not thinking big enough with their geothermal proposal for Tracy Hall on the ballot for Town Meeting. Imagine, instead, a community geothermal project, available to homes, churches, and businesses within a couple of blocks of Tracy Hall. Talk about a reduction in carbon footprint! West Union, Iowa It has been done before. The city of West Union, Iowa, with a population of about 2,500, completed such a project in 2014. (H/T Eva Rosenbloom!) The wells, “all underneath Continue reading Think Big Norwich: Why Not Community Geothermal?