Below are the official 2020 Town Meeting results on selected articles. Complete results as published on the Town’s website are here.
Noteworthy are the votes on Article 6 and 8. First, Article 6 failed by a wide margin. It asked to spend $11,000 to install flashing lights at two additional village crosswalks. Much controversy erupted before and after the installation of the first two. But, there was no talk on this Article 6 on the listserv. At pre-Town meeting, as seen on CATV, a Selectboard member said the need for the RRFB’s was “obvious” but the decision was for the voters. Over 1000 voters are happy the Selectboard asked.
Second, I was surprised by the razor thin margin that favored the geothermal project at Tracy Hall. I voted no on Article 8 for lack of fiscal and energy planning, but anticipated ‘green’ Norwich to command a bigger majority. Article 8 passed by a mere 48 votes out of 1650 cast.
Public Officials

Articles 4 and 5 (Town Budget and Charles Brown Brook Bridge)

Articles 6 and 7 (RRFB’s and Climate Emergency Designated Fund

Articles 8 and 9 (Geothermal and Energy Coordinator)

Article 32 (Fair and lmpartial Policing Policy)

Articles 36 and 37 (School Budget)

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