Last week, the Norwich Selectboard approved spending of up to $15,000 on the Tracy Hall geothermal project. Amazingly, to me at least, there was no mention during the hour discussion about where this money to pay the bill might come from. I watched the replay of the meeting on CATV.
There was acknowledgement that residents have the statutory right to a re-vote and that voters may reject the project on the re-vote set for May 12. But, the Selectboard wanted to adhere to the construction schedule to keep faith with the narrow majority of voters that approved the project at Town Meeting. Spending money now would allow the project to stay on track, if approved.
It is gambling $15,000 on the outcome of the election. I did not know our municipal coffees were flush with cash.
Why is keeping to the schedule “the” paramount priority? The Town wants to complete the project before the winter heating season begins, indicated Aaron Lamperti at the Selectboard meeting. Mr. Lamperti, a member of the Energy Committee, is supervising the project for the Town, as Town Manager Herb Durfee does not have the time to devote to the project.
However, the proposed project schedule belies the notion that completion “before the heating season” time frame is in the cards. The schedule lists “Substantial completion” as November 3rd. That was before the coronavirus. Is it realistic to expect business as usual for construction when folks are under an order to stay at home? Perhaps it’s time to revisit the schedule. Better than spending money the Town does not have.

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