A proposal to save up to $450,000 on the Tracy Hall geothermal project will not get an airing by the Selectboard. Why? Not enough interest by Board members to place the item on the agenda.
The facts as I understand them follow. At no cost to the Town, former Selectboard member Steve Flanders has been working with two consultants reviewing the project proposal by EEI. In a memorandum to the Selectboard, Mr. Flanders wrote: “Communication with two engineering experts in the field of heat pumps has identified some significant approaches to achieving savings that should be considered before proceeding with the project.” He estimated a cost savings of “as much as $450K.” The memorandum is in the Selectboard packet for the April 22 meeting, under Correspondence at page 16.
On March 31, Mr. Flanders emailed the Selectboard asking for an agenda item to make a presentation. His email said: “Douglas Wilberding will have arranged for a consulting engineer, experienced in retrofitting buildings with heat pumps and HVAC systems, to speak to the board.”
The Selectboard ultimately declined the request, as is its prerogative. However, I don’t get why the Selectboard would not want to hear this presentation. August 11 is the date of the re-vote. Until then, no construction is happening. Consequently, this seems like a perfect time to explore design options to save money.
By a thin majority of 48 votes, residents approved a $2 million bond for the project in March. Back then, opponents raised concerns that the project was rushed, alternatives were not duly considered, and the selection of EEI as consultant was flawed. A “no obligation” presentation to the Selectboard strikes me as a first step to perhaps address those concerns. Proponents should want this too. After all, loping off nearly a half million dollars from the price tag might attract votes.
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Seems obvious that the possibility of Mr Flanders proposal should be
an agenda item. Saving $450,000 is substantial.
I am with you!
Although I don’t always agree with Chris’s posts, this one was clearly misleading. The Selectboard has NOT said NO to having the presentation as an agenda item. The issue was not presented as a possible agenda item for this week. In NO way does this mean that the issue WILL NOT be discussed at some time. There is time before the August re-vote to have the presentation. I would argue that having a Zoom meeting as a method of presentation would not be as helpful as would an in-person presentation where citizens’ can be in the same room as the presenter.
So please do not make assumptions that the Board is not interested in hearing the presentation just because it does not appear on the agenda this week.
Claudette Brochu
Selectboard Chair
Thanks Chris and thanks Claudette. Important issue raised and response clarified. Ideal world.