Norwich DEI Group disbands

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Group (DEI Group) put together by then Town Manager Herb Durfee is no more. The group first met in September 2020 and disbanded in May 2021. This is dated news. But it is new to me and probably the general public, because the DEI Group met without public notice. I recently learned about its dissolution in a litigation document filed by the Town of Norwich in my Open Meeting Law suit. Further, the discovery document Continue reading Norwich DEI Group disbands

Town to hire an HR professional to “investigate complaints”

What is up with the work environment provided by Norwich town government to its employees? In addition to problems at the DPW garage, other personnel issues have apparently attracted the interest of the Selectboard. I say ‘apparently’ because the Selectboard is saying little, after an executive session lasting more than an hour on April 13. The problem is serious enough that the Selectboard plans to hire “an HR professional to investigate complaints” and “to assist the town in building a Continue reading Town to hire an HR professional to “investigate complaints”

Truth-in-advertising? Selectboard presentation on town budget and article 7

Maybe I am a fussbudget. Nonetheless, I do not understand why the Selectboard can’t be more forthcoming in its Town Meeting slide presentation. Specifically, I am referring to the slides for the Town budget and for Article 7. Voters deserve transparency. A presentation is scheduled for February 14 and again, at the pre-Town Meeting. Budget Above is Slide number 5 from Selectboard’s presentation. I am not sure this statement – “maintaining current services while accounting for the coming year’s high Continue reading Truth-in-advertising? Selectboard presentation on town budget and article 7

A group of residents asks the Selectboard to rescind preferred site status granted to proposed Upper Loveland Road solar farm

A group of six residents is asking the Selectboard to rescind the preferred site status the Town granted to a proposed Upper Loveland Road solar panel farm in August. The neighbors say the project violates the Town Plan. In addition, they complain the Selectboard made no specific effort to notify property owners abutting the site. The matter is not an agenda item. The letter dated February 3 (“Letter”) is in the Selectboard packet for the February 9 meeting, at page Continue reading A group of residents asks the Selectboard to rescind preferred site status granted to proposed Upper Loveland Road solar farm

SURPRISE: Norwich has a permanent Police Chief

Interim Police Chief Simon Keeling is now the permanent Police Chief for the Town of Norwich. That is surprising news. Not because of the person selected but because of the timing of the decision. Rewind to the April 28 Selectboard meeting. After hearing public comment over the course of two meetings, the Selectboard voted against immediately hiring a police chief. “Motion failed (yes – Layton, Calloway; no – Brochu, Gere, Arnold)” say the draft meeting minutes. [Aside: why are minutes Continue reading SURPRISE: Norwich has a permanent Police Chief

Should the Selectboard be more forthcoming about the renewal of the Town Manager’s contract?

Other than the Selectboard, the Town Manager is the most powerful position in Norwich town government. By statute, the manager has “general supervision of the affairs of the town.” The employment agreement with Town Manager Herb Durfee expires in about 40 days. Yet, with so little time left, the Selectboard won’t tell the public what its plans are. Why? Would it put the Town in an adverse position for the Selectboard to tell the public that it is in the Continue reading Should the Selectboard be more forthcoming about the renewal of the Town Manager’s contract?

Selectboard silent on renewing Town Manager’s contract

The employment agreement between the Town of Norwich and Town Manager Herb Durfee expires at the end of August. What are the Selectboard’s plans? Unknown. I made two attempts to contact Selectboard Chair Roger Arnold by email on this topic on June 7 and on June 10. No response. Here is what I asked in part: I understand Herb’s employment agreement with the Town expires at the end of August. Hoping you might share something about the process going forward. Continue reading Selectboard silent on renewing Town Manager’s contract

Is it a good idea to have the Town Manager select four members to the Article 36 Task Force?

The Selectboard gave a first reading approval to the Article 36 Task Force proposed by Selectboard Vice Chair Roger Arnold at its last meeting. Overall, a task force is a good idea. However, one aspect of the proposal troubles me. The Town Manager selects four members to the nine member Task Force. That novel approach seems to lack transparency. Public participation is also lost. To be accurate, the Town Manager “recommends” each person. Then, the Selectboard does the appointing. But, Continue reading Is it a good idea to have the Town Manager select four members to the Article 36 Task Force?

$13,000 in legal fees on Open Meeting Law

The Town’s law firm billed the Town $13,000 in legal fees to address Open Meeting Law issues, in the final three months of 2020. Over $8,000 was spent on the Planning Commission’s response to a formal notice of violation filed by three residents. The complaint related to working groups run by the Planning Director for the Planning Commission. Another $5000 in legal services was provided to the Town for a training session that was closed to the public. The law Continue reading $13,000 in legal fees on Open Meeting Law

Transparency? Selectboard approves no-bid contract, without public notice. Selectboard packet ‘revised’ after issuance.

The Selectboard approved a no bid contract for an engineering study related to the replacement of the box culvert on Route 132. Fees paid to Stantec Engineering are not subject to competitive bids. The action, taken on June 10, was not on the agenda. That seems like a violation of the Vermont Open Meeting Law. No materials were in the original Selectboard packet. In addition, the Selectboard packet was “revised” after issuance to include information about the no-bid contract. As Continue reading Transparency? Selectboard approves no-bid contract, without public notice. Selectboard packet ‘revised’ after issuance.