Article 8: I’m voting NO

I posted the following on the listserv today. Call me old school but I think $2 million is a lot money. Building the Public Safety Building cost around $1.6 million. Before spending $2 million on geothermal, let’s take stock, assess capital wants and needs, and determine priorities. The public discussion of geothermal occurred in a vacuum, without any consideration of other capital costs the Town may face. That is not prudent, unless money is no object. The Town Manager is Continue reading Article 8: I’m voting NO

Condition of Tracy Hall boilers do not justify ‘rush’ to geothermal

Does the condition of the Tracy Hall heating boilers and ventilation system justify going geothermal immediately? Proponents of Article 8 on the Town Meeting ballot answer, yes. My analysis below says otherwise. Neither item requires an immediate fix. For that reason, the Selectboard erred in rushing to put this matter on the ballot. Before voting on a $2 million bond, the Town needs to develop a strategic plan for all capital spending. It makes little sense to commit to $3,000,000 Continue reading Condition of Tracy Hall boilers do not justify ‘rush’ to geothermal

Q & A with Selectboard candidate Doug Wilberding

Doug Wilberding is running against Robert Gere for the three-year seat on the Selectboard. Neither is the incumbent, Below are the responses of Mr. Wilberding to my five questions. 1. For those who do not know you, please provide some background about yourself and say why you want to be on the Selectboard. I was born and raised in Norwich with my 7 siblings.  I went to Saint Michael’s College for my Bachelor’s degree and NYU for my Master’s degree.  Continue reading Q & A with Selectboard candidate Doug Wilberding

Q & A with Selectboard candidate Robert Gere

Robert Gere is running against Doug Wilberding for the three-year seat on the Selectboard. Neither is the incumbent, Below are the responses of Mr. Gere to my five questions. 1. For those who do not know you, please provide some background about yourself and say why you want to be on the Selectboard.         My wife and I first moved to Norwich on December 31, 1975. 6 months later we were exiled to Cornish where we spent 2 years before Continue reading Q & A with Selectboard candidate Robert Gere

Q & A with Selectboard candidate Claudette Brochu

Incumbent Claudette Brochu is running unopposed for the two-year seat on the Selectboard. 1. For those who do not know you, please provide some background about yourself and say why you want to be on the Selectboard. I have lived in town since 1983. I am an Army vet and retired RN. I currently work part-time in the non-profit sector. I have been on the Selectboard for two years. My goals as a Selectboard member have been to control spending, Continue reading Q & A with Selectboard candidate Claudette Brochu

Think Big Norwich: Why Not Community Geothermal?

Perhaps,Town officials are not thinking big enough with their geothermal proposal for Tracy Hall on the ballot for Town Meeting. Imagine, instead, a community geothermal project, available to homes, churches, and businesses within a couple of blocks of Tracy Hall. Talk about a reduction in carbon footprint! West Union, Iowa It has been done before. The city of West Union, Iowa, with a population of about 2,500, completed such a project in 2014. (H/T Eva Rosenbloom!) The wells, “all underneath Continue reading Think Big Norwich: Why Not Community Geothermal?

Selectboard Changes Course, Will Discuss Contract Extension With Town Manager

At a meeting marked by emotion and tension, the Selectboard changed course and decided to enter into discussions with the Town Manager about extending his contract. The 3-2 vote came at the end of a special meeting held Monday. Selectboard Chair John Pepper changed his vote from the January 24 meeting to one of support. Not clear is whether discussion about an extension will result in a new contract. Along with Mr. Pepper, Roger Arnold and Mary Layton voted in Continue reading Selectboard Changes Course, Will Discuss Contract Extension With Town Manager

NRA infiltrates Norwich?

Norwich Police Chief Jennifer Frank is hosting in April a school safety program and some residents are concerned. Why? The National Rifle Association (NRA) sponsors the four-day program. Though I’m no fan of the NRA’s lobbying efforts, I do trust that Chief Frank would only host worthwhile programs that are not political. Three residents raise the issue in an email that is part of Selectboard correspondence. See the packet for the February 12 Selectboard meeting, beginning at page 7. The Continue reading NRA infiltrates Norwich?

Chart sheds light on Selectboard concerns regarding Town Manager’s job performance

A chart prepared by the Town Manager Herb Durfee sheds light on Selectboard concerns regarding his job performance. By a 3-2 vote, in January, the Selectboard decided not to negotiate an extension to his contract that expires at the end of April. However, the Selectboard will meet Monday to further discuss that action. Town Manager Durfee will make a public presentation. As a personnel and contract matter, discussions occurred in executive session. No public discussion occurred prior to the 3-2 Continue reading Chart sheds light on Selectboard concerns regarding Town Manager’s job performance

Selectboard to meet Monday to further discuss the Town Manager Durfee’s contract

On Monday, February 10, the Selectboard will hold a special meeting to further discuss extending the current Town Manager’s contract. In January, by a 3-2 vote, the Selectboard decided not to renew the contract of Town Manager Herb Durfee, when it expires in April. Consequently, the Board would need to hire an interim Town Manager and begin the search for a new Town Manager. Mr. Durfee wishes to remain as Town Manager of Norwich. He will make a presentation to Continue reading Selectboard to meet Monday to further discuss the Town Manager Durfee’s contract