Delay hiring a new police chief?

A number of residents are asking that the Town delay hiring a new police chief in order for the Town to revisit what residents want from their police force. Their correspondence is in the packet for the Selectboard meeting for April 14, 2021 at pages 4-25. “Due to the resignation of the Chief, we have an opportunity to take time to rethink what Norwich really needs in view of new understandings of the impact of policing on our communities,” wrote Continue reading Delay hiring a new police chief?

ICYMI: Montshire Executive Director Stepping Down

In a press release issued last week, the Montshire Museum of Science, located in Norwich, Vermont, announced that its executive director was leaving to take a position in New York City. Marcos Stafne, the Executive Director of the Montshire Museum of Science, will step down from his current role at the end of April. He has accepted a position with the Wildlife Conservation Society as their Director of Learning Experiences, Zoos & Aquarium. In this new role, he will envision Continue reading ICYMI: Montshire Executive Director Stepping Down

Selectboard to discuss body cams for police

Police body cameras are an important tool to enhance accountability and transparency in policing. Is Norwich ready to the make the move? How about if a grant covered nearly 80% of the cost? The matter is on the Selectboard agenda for its meeting on March 24. Discussed below are the stated reasons for the proposed purchase as well the Selectboard Chair’s opposition. At the end, I rant about the lack of a capital plan. The proposal is to purchase four Continue reading Selectboard to discuss body cams for police

Selectboard agenda item number 8: Reaffirm Master Financial Policies

This is a wonkish post. Read no further if you don’t want to delve in the details of the the Town’s Master Financial Policies, unless you suffer from insomnia and need somnolent reading material. Listed as agenda item number 8 for the Selectboard meeting on Wednesday, March 10, is the topic: Reaffirm Master Financial Policies. I don’t recall reaffirmation of the policies as an annual housekeeping event in Norwich. But, it’s a good idea. A nice project for Finance Committee Continue reading Selectboard agenda item number 8: Reaffirm Master Financial Policies

Town Meeting Article 11 – Incentive or gift to solar farms?

The text of Article 11 is convoluted. However, its intent is clear – to eliminate municipal property taxes on solar farms. The Energy Committee’s recommendation to the Selectboard says it wants “to set their municipal taxes as close to $0 as possible.” To what end? The most important question to ask about a tax break is whether it will make a difference.** Will the tax incentive cause a developer to build a solar farm, when it would have otherwise passed Continue reading Town Meeting Article 11 – Incentive or gift to solar farms?

Is it a good idea to have the Town Manager select four members to the Article 36 Task Force?

The Selectboard gave a first reading approval to the Article 36 Task Force proposed by Selectboard Vice Chair Roger Arnold at its last meeting. Overall, a task force is a good idea. However, one aspect of the proposal troubles me. The Town Manager selects four members to the nine member Task Force. That novel approach seems to lack transparency. Public participation is also lost. To be accurate, the Town Manager “recommends” each person. Then, the Selectboard does the appointing. But, Continue reading Is it a good idea to have the Town Manager select four members to the Article 36 Task Force?

Selectboard and School Board races set

Who’s running for Selectboard and School Board? Neil Odell is running unopposed to retain his Norwich School Board seat. That position includes a seat on the Dresden School Board. Mr. Odell currently serves as the Vice Chair of the Dresden School Board. For Selectboard, Marcia Calloway is running unopposed for two-year seat. John Langhus decided to not seek reelection. For the three-year seat, incumbent Mary Layton will face Pam Smith. [END]

Yikes: Finance Committee says its work is ‘pointless’; 4 of 5 members resign

In a rebuke of the Selectboard, the Finance Committee declared its efforts are “pointless” because of a lack of interest by the Selectboard in the Finance Committee’s work. Thereafter, four of the five members resigned. Linda Cook is the only remaining member. The memorandum was delivered to the Selectboard on Wednesday morning, following a 4-1 vote by NFC at its special meeting the night before. The Town Manager declined to release the document until it appeared in the Selectboard packet Continue reading Yikes: Finance Committee says its work is ‘pointless’; 4 of 5 members resign

Selectboard to consider adding six citizen petitions to Town Meeting ballot

On Monday, January 18, the Selectboard plans to finalize the warning for Town Meeting 2021. At that time, the Selectboard will consider at least nine proposed Articles, including six citizen petitions submitted by residents Pam Smith and Doug Wilberding. In addition to those six, discussed below, the Selectboard plans to consider two Articles proposed by the Energy Committee. An Article regarding the Beaver Meadow Road sidewalk project is also possible, say the draft meeting minutes from January 13. The Energy Continue reading Selectboard to consider adding six citizen petitions to Town Meeting ballot

$13,000 in legal fees on Open Meeting Law

The Town’s law firm billed the Town $13,000 in legal fees to address Open Meeting Law issues, in the final three months of 2020. Over $8,000 was spent on the Planning Commission’s response to a formal notice of violation filed by three residents. The complaint related to working groups run by the Planning Director for the Planning Commission. Another $5000 in legal services was provided to the Town for a training session that was closed to the public. The law Continue reading $13,000 in legal fees on Open Meeting Law