Increase class size at MCS?

Now that some dust has settled for this year on financing Act 127, I wonder if our School Board should address the difficult question of increasing class size (students per section) at Marion Cross School. Under H.850, which is now law, school boards can delay the vote on their budgets until April 15 in order to rework them. If I am correctly reading the materials from the Norwich Budget Presentation on December 6, 2023, MCS could go from three sections Continue reading Increase class size at MCS?

Post-Budget Realities: A List of Some Lingering Issues

As Town Meeting approaches, the Selectboard has approved a budget, crafted through the dedicated effort of Board members, the Town Manager, and staff. The adopted budget largely aligns with the Town Manager’s proposals. However, this post does not delve into the intricacies of the budget itself. Instead, it sheds light on issues that emerged during the budget process yet remain unresolved. It’s important to highlight these lingering concerns that warrant attention from the SB and TM, as well as the Continue reading Post-Budget Realities: A List of Some Lingering Issues

Silent Rejection: Article 11 and the Selectboard’s Inaction

At Town Meeting in March 2023, Norwich residents approved Article 11, advising the Town “to consider” the addition of a fifth full-time officer to the Norwich Police Department (NPD). However, the Selectboard has quietly rejected this vote by finalizing next year’s budget without allocating funds for the additional position and more importantly for this post, without any discussion of Article 11. The Board’s rejection of the voters wish to consider the issue, without any kind of explanation, prompts questions about Continue reading Silent Rejection: Article 11 and the Selectboard’s Inaction

Public Input Matters: How to Spend a Once-in-a-Generation Surplus

The Town of Norwich has $1.8 million in surplus cash, of which $1 million came from ARPA but since then washed of its restrictions.  On Wednesday, December 13th, the Selectboard will consider plans to use that money as follows, subject to voter approval at Town Meeting: Selectboard December 13 meeting packet at 17, 35 (Slide 15, 33) Based on the public information available, I am not confident this is a prudent use of this once-in-a-generation surplus. The capital plan is Continue reading Public Input Matters: How to Spend a Once-in-a-Generation Surplus

Random Notes and Comments: 10-25 Selectboard meeting

My collection of random comments, notes and thoughts after watching the video recording of the October 25 Norwich Selectboard meeting. Secrecy still shrouds appointment of TM In a prior post, I listed some of the superb questions a resident posed to the Selectboard about the ‘emergency’ appointment of a permanent town manager to a 3-year term. The Selectboard declined to respond to those questions, after asking that they be submitted in writing. Chair Marcia Calloway asked the Board if anyone Continue reading Random Notes and Comments: 10-25 Selectboard meeting

Questions remain on the ’emergency’ hiring of a permanent Town Manager

On September 27, the Norwich Selectboard appointed Brennan Duffy as the permanent Town Manager, after an 18 minute executive session. The vote was 3-2. The sudden hiring of the interim Town Manager for the permanent position came without warning. It was preceded by two emergency meetings to discuss the Interim Town Manager’s contract. Emergency meetings do not require public notice. To date, the only additional information explaining the Selectboard’s decision to forego its planned national search for a Town Manager Continue reading Questions remain on the ’emergency’ hiring of a permanent Town Manager

Town of Norwich is flush with surplus cash

Here’s a good problem to have. The Town of Norwich is flush with surplus cash. It has over $680,000 in accumulated budget surplus, in addition to the ARPA money and a fully funded emergency fund. Some numbers Plans for the accumulated surplus of $684,254? As budget season approaches, our public officials may want to consider an appropriate use for the surplus. Holding onto a cash surplus for no reason (hoarding?) does not strike me as sound policy. One option is to Continue reading Town of Norwich is flush with surplus cash

Chair and Vice Chair of the Planning Commission resign

The Norwich Planning Commission is experiencing significant upheaval in membership. The latest: Planning Commission Chair Jacqueline Allen and Vice Chair Brian Loeb have resigned “effective immediately,” that is May 18. That brings the turnover in membership to four on the seven member commission since Town Meeting. In March, two members did not seek reappointment when their terms expired The resignation letters are in the amended Selectboard packet for the Board’s meeting on May 24 at pages 13 and 14. Mr. Continue reading Chair and Vice Chair of the Planning Commission resign

Court: Norwich violated Open Meeting Law

In a recent decision, a Vermont Superior Court Judge ruled that two working groups of the Norwich Finance Committee violated the Open Meeting Law when they met in 2020. The Town asserted the groups were not subject to the Open Meeting Law because they were not “public bodies”. The Court disagreed, saying to “conclude otherwise would make a mockery of the Open Meeting Law.” Full disclosure: I am the plaintiff in the case, proceeding without the assistance of a lawyer. Continue reading Court: Norwich violated Open Meeting Law

ALS Awareness Month: PBS documentary shows challenges faced by those living with ALS.

May is ALS Awareness Month. A good way to gain insight into the challenges faced by those living with ALS is by watching “Matter of Mind: My ALS”. It’s a documentary airing on PBS that provides a glimpse into the daily struggles of families living with this neurodegenerative disease. From the PBS website: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neuromuscular disease with an average survival time of 2-5 years from diagnosis. In this intimate exploration, three people with ALS, or Continue reading ALS Awareness Month: PBS documentary shows challenges faced by those living with ALS.