Does Norwich ‘need’ an Assistant Zoning Administrator?

At the outset, I appreciate the efforts of the Selectboard and staff for their work on the budget. They are working long hours. Thank you Claudette, Fielding, Marcia, Mary, Miranda, Rob, Rod and Roger. The Selectboard plans on finalizing its budget at its January 5 meeting. The goal of this budget cycle is to maintain the status quo – no changes from last year other than to cover increases in employee compensation and supplies. This approach makes sense as Norwich Continue reading Does Norwich ‘need’ an Assistant Zoning Administrator?

Proposed Police Department budget includes body cams, two replacement vehicles. Police incidents increase by 20%.

The 2023 fiscal year budget for the Norwich Police Department increases by over 7% under the proposal put forth by Acting Police Chief Simon Keeling and Interim Town Manager Rod Francis. The proposal includes body cameras for the police officers and replacement of two 2013 police cruisers. Except for the body cams, the goal of the budget proposal is to maintain the same level of service. Wages and benefits comprises about 75% of the budget. But that line decreases by Continue reading Proposed Police Department budget includes body cams, two replacement vehicles. Police incidents increase by 20%.

Finance Committee makes recommendations on proposed budget

The Norwich Finance Committee issued its preliminary recommendations regarding the proposed budget. Its memorandum is in the packet for the Selectboard meeting on January 6, 2020, starting at page 22 of the “revised” packet. Some highlights. Budget should be flat, in real terms. “The NFC believes the FY22 budget should remain flat vs. FY21 in real terms. Accounting for inflationary pressures, a reasonable nominal target increase would be in the order of 3%.” It seems doubtful that the Selectboard will Continue reading Finance Committee makes recommendations on proposed budget

Budget proposal “not for the faint of heart” says Norwich Town Manager

Give Town Manager Herb Durfee credit. His big budget proposal, calling for a 20% increase in spending, won’t sit well with taxpayers struggling during the pandemic. But, it will force the Selectboard to address long-term infrastructure issues and make decisions about them. That Selectboard discussion is long overdue. In his email transmitting the budget to the Selectboard Town Manager Durfee said the draft budget is “not for the faint of heart.” Further he emphasized, the budget is “not the ‘Town Continue reading Budget proposal “not for the faint of heart” says Norwich Town Manager

Budget Watch: Does Norwich need a capital plan?

The Town’s need for a capital plan was on display at the Selectboard meeting on May 27. The Town Manager reported that Norwich will likely need to borrow money to repair the box culvert on Route 132 and to replace an aging dump truck. These expenses are not covered by sufficient reserves in their respective designated funds. Ad hoc decisions by the Selectboard on the financing of significant expenditures is not a preferred approach. Financial experts suggest instead a capital Continue reading Budget Watch: Does Norwich need a capital plan?

Budget Watch: Did the Selectboard just spend $15,000 not in the budget?

Last week, the Norwich Selectboard approved spending of up to $15,000 on the Tracy Hall geothermal project. Amazingly, to me at least, there was no mention during the hour discussion about where this money to pay the bill might come from. I watched the replay of the meeting on CATV. There was acknowledgement that residents have the statutory right to a re-vote and that voters may reject the project on the re-vote set for May 12. But, the Selectboard wanted Continue reading Budget Watch: Did the Selectboard just spend $15,000 not in the budget?