Questions for the Selectboard for its Saturday Town Meeting Informational Meeting

The Selectboard will be holding two bonus information sessions on the municipal issues related to Town Meeting. These are Zoom only meetings. Scheduled dates are:  Feb 5th, 2022 at 11AM and Feb 14th, 2022 at 6:30 PM. I don’t know what it says for the state of romance in Norwich that the Selectboard scheduled a meeting for Valentine’s Day evening. Kudos to the Selectboard for scheduling these extra sessions! Here are some questions I hope are addressed at the first Continue reading Questions for the Selectboard for its Saturday Town Meeting Informational Meeting

Town Meeting Article 7: Does a budget surplus belong to the voters or the Selectboard?

Posted this on the listserv. Thought I would include it here as well. Last year the Town’s annual budget had a surplus of approximately $300,000. Should voters decide how that money is spent or should the Selectboard? How about past surpluses and future budget surpluses? Today the total accumulated surplus is about $850,000. And, specific voter approval is needed to spend that money. However, if Article 7 is approved, control of that money (and future surpluses) goes to the Selectboard. Continue reading Town Meeting Article 7: Does a budget surplus belong to the voters or the Selectboard?

SAU 70 policy on transgender privacy is challenged by some Ray School parents; no concerns raised by Marion Cross School parents

A group of parents with children at the Ray School, the public elementary school in Hanover NH, are challenging a SAU 70 policy that protects a child’s gender identity from the child’s parents. The news story by Peter D’Auria appeared in VTDigger on January 26. Marion Cross School, the Norwich VT public elementary school, is also part of School Administrative Unit 70. MCS has the same policy in place. In contrast, however, Norwich parents have not complained about and several Continue reading SAU 70 policy on transgender privacy is challenged by some Ray School parents; no concerns raised by Marion Cross School parents

UPDATE: School Board and Selectboard candidates; Town Manager search

Who’s running for School Board and Selectboard? Both School Board and both Selectboard incumbents up for election are asking voters to return them to office at Town Meeting in March. Three will face no formal opposition. Here is the line up as provided to me by Town Clerk Bonnie Munday. For Norwich School Board, Garrett Palm is running unopposed for a second term for a two-year seat. Lily Trajman is also running unopposed for the three-year seat that the School Continue reading UPDATE: School Board and Selectboard candidates; Town Manager search

Update on Town Manager search: #31 gets an offer

A brief update on the Town Manager search. Draft meeting minutes from the special Selectboard meeting on Friday report that the Selectboard extended “an offer of employment as Town Manager to Candidate #31 contingent upon contract negotiations. Motion passed (4 yes, Calloway no).” [END]

SURPRISE: Norwich has a permanent Police Chief

Interim Police Chief Simon Keeling is now the permanent Police Chief for the Town of Norwich. That is surprising news. Not because of the person selected but because of the timing of the decision. Rewind to the April 28 Selectboard meeting. After hearing public comment over the course of two meetings, the Selectboard voted against immediately hiring a police chief. “Motion failed (yes – Layton, Calloway; no – Brochu, Gere, Arnold)” say the draft meeting minutes. [Aside: why are minutes Continue reading SURPRISE: Norwich has a permanent Police Chief

Does Norwich ‘need’ an Assistant Zoning Administrator?

At the outset, I appreciate the efforts of the Selectboard and staff for their work on the budget. They are working long hours. Thank you Claudette, Fielding, Marcia, Mary, Miranda, Rob, Rod and Roger. The Selectboard plans on finalizing its budget at its January 5 meeting. The goal of this budget cycle is to maintain the status quo – no changes from last year other than to cover increases in employee compensation and supplies. This approach makes sense as Norwich Continue reading Does Norwich ‘need’ an Assistant Zoning Administrator?

Who’s running for School Board and Selectboard?

ELECTION 2022 Two School Board and two Selectboard seats are up for election at Town Meeting this year. With the filing deadline less than a month away, I thought I would check with the incumbents to see if they had made any decisions. School Board member Lily Trajman has said she is running to retain her School Board seat. Dr. Trajman was appointed by the Norwich School Board on November 3 to fill the vacancy on the Board due to Continue reading Who’s running for School Board and Selectboard?

$50,000 for a police study?

On December 22 the Selectboard will likely take the next steps towards spending over $50,000 on consultants to examine whether the Norwich Police Department needs reforming or reimagining. Is this money well spent? I don’t know. But, I do have questions. To put this $50,000 amount in context, Norwich has $40,000 in its Climate Emergency, and about $46,000 in the Affordable Housing designated funds. The estimate to complete the Phase II engineering study for the Beaver Meadow Road sidewalk extension Continue reading $50,000 for a police study?

Norwich Farm Foundation makes deal to purchase farm, a win for Norwich Farm Creamery

The Norwich Farm Foundation (NFF) has come to an agreement with Vermont State Colleges to purchase the six-acre Norwich Farm property on Turnpike Road. The news appears as a pop-up on the NFF website. Closing is projected for spring/summer 2022 but depends on a fundraising campaign. The site houses the Norwich Farm Creamery which is in litigation with its landlord, the Vermont Technical College. In contrast, the NFF plans to collaborate with the Creamery. “We’re thrilled to let you know Continue reading Norwich Farm Foundation makes deal to purchase farm, a win for Norwich Farm Creamery