Increase class size at MCS?

Now that some dust has settled for this year on financing Act 127, I wonder if our School Board should address the difficult question of increasing class size (students per section) at Marion Cross School. Under H.850, which is now law, school boards can delay the vote on their budgets until April 15 in order to rework them. If I am correctly reading the materials from the Norwich Budget Presentation on December 6, 2023, MCS could go from three sections Continue reading Increase class size at MCS?

Tax rates to increase under School and Town budgets

The Selectboard and School Board adopted budgets earlier this week to send to voters at Town Meeting on March 3. Under the Town budget, the municipal tax rate is likely to increase by about 7%. The adopted school budget is projected to increase the homestead school property tax rate by 5.77%. TOWN BUDGET. The budget adopted by the Selectboard set total expenditures of $4,441,173, an increase of 3.97%, from last year, not including separate monetary articles. To fund the budget, Continue reading Tax rates to increase under School and Town budgets