Observations: Norwich Selectboard meeting of 4/22

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Some miscellaneous and/or random observations after watching the CATV video of the Selectboard meeting of April 22, 2020. Draft meeting minutes are here.

  • TRORC approves Town Plan. This was lost in the shuffle a bit, at the meeting. Approval by the regional planning commission is a significant event, in particular because the 2018 Town Plan did not get the TRORC’s imprimatur. As a result of the approval, the Town will likely reestablish its Village Center designation, making it eligible for related grants.
  • Thanks for the dirt. Selectboard Chair Brochu thanked Town Manager Durfee, DPW Director Wiggins and the DPW crew for their prompt response to her request for soil for the victory gardens. Six truckloads were picked up and delivered from Gardner’s Supply.
  • Green Up Day canceled. Green Up Day in Norwich is canceled, because of Covid-19. Not enough PPE for volunteers indicated the Town Manager. Instead, the Town will offer a free drop off day at Transfer Station. Details to be announced. FYI, the Green Up Vermont website is here.
2020 Poster Design Contest winner
  • Police want helmets and shields. As part of the not yet finalized union contract, the Town will equip each police cruiser with a ballistic helmet and shield. Chief Frank said the equipment is useful in active shooter situations. Of note is that Selectboard members Arnold and Brochu abstained, on what was seemingly a pro forma vote on a grant application. Neither member explained in public session the reason for abstaining.
  • Designated fund used for current expense. The Selectboard authorized a $24,000 payment from the DPW Highway Equipment designated fund to pay for engine repairs to DPW Truck #4. I thought odd that no Board member asked why a designated fund was paying a current expense. Previously, in March, the Town Manager suggested that the Town “may” need to use designated fund money. See Draft meeting minutes for March 4, 2020. Moreover, my recollection is that was an option only if sufficient funds were not in the current budget at fiscal year-end. Taxpayers deserve public discussion on such matters, even if merely to demonstrate budget sensitivity by the Selectboard. Also, Chair Brochu correctly pointed out that any designated fund expenditure should have been a separate agenda item. Instead, the TM raised it, as a part of the Town Manager’s oral report.
  • Flanders proposal won’t be an agenda item. The Selectboard decided against inviting Steve Flanders to make a presentation on his proposal for saving $450,000 on the Tracy Hall geothermal project. The decision is specifically for May meetings. But, I count at least three Selectboard members intimating no interest in the proposal until perhaps after the re-vote in August. The discussion does not make the draft meeting minutes. However, it is on the CATV video, at about the 2 hour 36 minute mark.

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3M™ Law Enforcement Ballistic Helmet BA3A Ballistic Helmet. See Selectboard 4/22 packet at 146.

One Reply to “Observations: Norwich Selectboard meeting of 4/22”

  1. I asked several questions why a shield referred to as “tactical” and a ballistic helmet compared to U.S. military helmets in their manufacturer descriptions would be relevant for community policing in Norwich. I then abstained from voting on the grant application.