Bad news for walkers on Beaver Meadow Road. Town says traffic calming measures are not feasible

Town staff has concluded that most traffic calming measures for Beaver Meadow Road are not feasible at this time. That news is in the Town Manager’s report in the packet for the June 14, 2021 Selectboard meeting, beginning at page 30. It is likely a disappointment for residents along that stretch of Beaver Meadow Road, who have lobbied for a sidewalk since 2019. The earliest a sidewalk could probably be in place, by my guesstimate, is late 2023, assuming voters Continue reading Bad news for walkers on Beaver Meadow Road. Town says traffic calming measures are not feasible

ICYMI: Windsor Police Chief Frank, Caleb Zuckerman, Stave Puzzles, Tyler’s AirPods

A brief roundup of news and information regarding Norwich, Vermont that may have escaped your attention. Windsor Police Chief Frank on community policing “This is an opportunity for a cultural change and to reexamine what we’ve been doing. And I am so excited to be a part of that.” That is what new Police Chief Jennifer Frank recently told the Windsor Selectboard according to an article by Eagle Times reporter Patrick Adrian. (H/T C.M.) In Windsor’s new police chief shares Continue reading ICYMI: Windsor Police Chief Frank, Caleb Zuckerman, Stave Puzzles, Tyler’s AirPods

Delay hiring a new police chief?

A number of residents are asking that the Town delay hiring a new police chief in order for the Town to revisit what residents want from their police force. Their correspondence is in the packet for the Selectboard meeting for April 14, 2021 at pages 4-25. “Due to the resignation of the Chief, we have an opportunity to take time to rethink what Norwich really needs in view of new understandings of the impact of policing on our communities,” wrote Continue reading Delay hiring a new police chief?

Selectboard to discuss body cams for police

Police body cameras are an important tool to enhance accountability and transparency in policing. Is Norwich ready to the make the move? How about if a grant covered nearly 80% of the cost? The matter is on the Selectboard agenda for its meeting on March 24. Discussed below are the stated reasons for the proposed purchase as well the Selectboard Chair’s opposition. At the end, I rant about the lack of a capital plan. The proposal is to purchase four Continue reading Selectboard to discuss body cams for police

NRA infiltrates Norwich?

Norwich Police Chief Jennifer Frank is hosting in April a school safety program and some residents are concerned. Why? The National Rifle Association (NRA) sponsors the four-day program. Though I’m no fan of the NRA’s lobbying efforts, I do trust that Chief Frank would only host worthwhile programs that are not political. Three residents raise the issue in an email that is part of Selectboard correspondence. See the packet for the February 12 Selectboard meeting, beginning at page 7. The Continue reading NRA infiltrates Norwich?