The Norwich School Board wishes to fill a vacancy on its board, due to the resignation of one of its members. The person appointed also serves on the Dresden School Board. If you want to apply, the deadline for letters of interest is October 29.
The listserv post of October 19 says:
The Norwich School Board has recently received the resignation of one of its school board members. Vacancies on the Norwich School Board will be filled in accordance with the provisions of 16 V.S.A. § 706e. The appointee will serve until the next School District Election. In addition, the appointee will also serve on the SAU 70 and Dresden School Boards.
The school board will be accepting letters of interest for the vacant seat through October 29, 2021. The letter should explain why the candidate is interested in serving on the school board. Selected candidates will be interviewed at a regular school board meeting in November 2021. This position will be filled until the next Annual Meeting. At that time, the position will be placed on the ballot for a three year term.
Letters of interest should be submitted to Tom Candon, Norwich School Board Chairperson
Tom Candon
Norwich School Board ChairAdministrative Assistant to the Superintendent
SAU 70
41 Lebanon Street
Hanover, NH 037558
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