Dates set for Selectboard hearings on Town Plan (and Town Eating Day!)

The Norwich Selectboard set Wednesday,February 26 at 630 PM and Saturday, March 7 at noon as the hearing dates on the Planning Commission’s draft Town Plan. That plan, approved on January 16, is available here. Both hearings will take place at Tracy Hall.

Also, the hearing on Saturday in March will be held in conjunction with Town Eating Day, a pot luck meal event designed to bring Norwich residents together.

“Meeting-ed out”?

The Selectboard purposely set the dates to bracket pre-Town Meeting on March 2. The Energy Committee is also planning two informational meetings in late February. The purpose of those sessions is to explain the $2 million bond proposal to cut fossil fuel use by 15%. Plus, election day is March 3.

One Selectboard member raised a concern that residents will be “meeting-ed out.” I agree.

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