Selectboard condemns murder of George Floyd and structural racism. Doesn’t tell world. [Corrected]

At its meeting on Wednesday, the Selectboard passed a resolution condemning the murder of George Floyd and structural racism. A copy of the resolution taken as a screenshot from the CATV video of the June 10, 2020 meeting is below. It is not a great copy. My computer skills are limited. The document may be easier to read on the CATV video at the 19 minute mark. I think it is a shame that the Town did not publicize the Continue reading Selectboard condemns murder of George Floyd and structural racism. Doesn’t tell world. [Corrected]

Budget Watch: Does Norwich need a capital plan?

The Town’s need for a capital plan was on display at the Selectboard meeting on May 27. The Town Manager reported that Norwich will likely need to borrow money to repair the box culvert on Route 132 and to replace an aging dump truck. These expenses are not covered by sufficient reserves in their respective designated funds. Ad hoc decisions by the Selectboard on the financing of significant expenditures is not a preferred approach. Financial experts suggest instead a capital Continue reading Budget Watch: Does Norwich need a capital plan?

Norwich Selectboard and School Board candidates

Two Selectboard seats and three School Board seats are up for election in 2020. Only one seat on the Selectboard is contested. Who’s running? The official list provided by Town Clerk Bonnie Munday: Selectboard Three year seat:  Robert Gere and Douglas Wilberding.  Two year seat: Claudette Brochu. There is a contest in the race for the Selectboard seat with a three-year term. Ms. Brochu, an incumbent, is unopposed.. School Board Dresden Norwich School Director – three year seat: Tom Candon. Continue reading Norwich Selectboard and School Board candidates

Town Facilities Working Group Recommends $2 Million No-Bid Contract To Reduce Fossil Fuel Use By 15%

At its first meeting of the year on January 8, the Norwich Selectboard will consider the recommendation of the Town Facilities Working Group that voters be asked to approve a bond of up to $2,054,569.38, in order to reduce by 15% the town government’s use of fossil fuels. The work, improvements to Tracy Hall, Public Safety Building and DPW Garage, would not be put out for competitive bid. The Town Facilities Working Group has been meeting without the public notice Continue reading Town Facilities Working Group Recommends $2 Million No-Bid Contract To Reduce Fossil Fuel Use By 15%