The Norwich Observer asked the candidates for Selectboard the same five questions. Below is the second question and the candidates’ responses. A list of all five questions, without responses, is here.
QUESTION: Priorities
Priorities. Other than hiring a Town Manager, what are the top three issues that you think the Selectboard should address in the next 12 months?
Candidates running for the three-year Selectboard seat
Rob Gere:
Declined to respond.
Marcia Calloway:
Projects and issues come and go, a solid structure is the foundation and umbrella for everything to succeed. Our top three issues are stability, sustainability, and process.
Stability. Creation of HR policies under which all employees are accountable and protected, with board understanding of its oversight responsibility. “The selectboard shall have the general supervision of the affairs of the town and shall cause to be performed all duties required of towns and town school districts not committed by law to the care of any particular officer.” 24 V.S.A. § 872(a).
Sustainability. Finalization of financial policies for thoughtful use and management of town funds, including windfall ARPA funding. Coordination of all appointed volunteers to ensure we are all working for to protect our environment/al resources. Thoughtful policies to create a safe, livable town.
Process. Creation of a town ‘calendar’ so everyone understands their role and timing of the town work.
Candidate running for the two-year Selectboard seat
Pam Smith:
1) The Selectboard must develop a plan for the expenditure of the American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) funds;
2) Tracy Hall improvements to include the heating system, air handling system, phone system and website; and,
3) Updating the Capital Plan & Budget, the Master Financial Policy, and the Personnel Policies, to name a few.
While you only asked for 3 priorities, I would add a 4th priority….hiring a Finance Director.
Candidates running for the Selectboard seat with an unexpired (one-year) term
Priscilla Vincent:
1. Our tax burden. The proposed town budget for the next fiscal year is up by 12.5%. School taxes are projected to rise by 32% over the next 5 years. Makes the town a bit unaffordable! The select board needs to take a more conscientious and detailed approach to the town budget. This year the task has been very difficult, given the departure of our town manager and the disarray in the town finance department. 2. Our finance department. We need a new director, and someone who will work full time and in Tracy Hall. 3. Tracy Hall. This significant town asset has been neglected for years. The heating system needs replacement, the sprinkler system is problematic, the plumbing and/or septic is dicey, and a chimney is looking feeble.
Aaron Lamperti:
No one who knows me will be surprised to hear that one of my highest priorities is the Town’s deteriorating facilities. Tracy Hall is high on the list, but a walk through the Public Works garage is pretty eye-opening also. It’s been most of 5 years since the Town voted overwhelmingly to eliminate fossil fuel use in Town operations. We have an historic opportunity to revitalize the Town’s ‘physical plant’ for the next 50 years in a responsible, forward-looking way that will improve functionality for staff and residents while expressing our commitment to reducing carbon emissions and mitigating climate change. I’m very excited to be part of this process.
Other priorities include planning for the growth the town will experience due to the increasing number of climate refugees arriving in the area and the related issue of the affordability of housing in Norwich.