How should Norwich use its opioid settlement funds?

John Oliver discussing the opioid crisis on HBO’s ‘Last Week Tonight’

Comedian and political commentator John Oliver recently covered the opioid crisis and the massive settlements on HBO’s “Last Week Tonight.” He highlighted the challenges states and municipalities face trying to use the money effectively, noting the painfully mixed results.

Norwich faces a similar issue on a much, much smaller scale. It received $11,765 this fiscal year. Right now, the Town views the money as miscellaneous revenue, which is tragic (selfish?) considering the individuals and families that suffered as a result opioid addiction.

Yesterday evening, I sent the letter below to the Selectboard and Town Manager. My goal is to ensure these funds are reserved before the fiscal year ends on June 30, so they can be used specifically to address opioid addiction issues in Norwich or the Upper Valley.

With the fiscal year drawing to a close, I wanted to follow up on my previous inquiry regarding the use of the opioid settlement funds. As you may recall, the Town received $11,765 this fiscal year and is expected to receive approximately $3,000 next fiscal year, along with additional amounts over the next decade. At its January 10 meeting, the Selectboard appeared to agree with my suggestion that the money should be used for opioid crisis abatement.

Although it is not a lot of money, as one of the wealthiest towns in the state, I believe Norwich has a responsibility to allocate these funds towards addiction treatment and prevention rather than use them as miscellaneous revenue to offset the annual budget. Our community nurse, health officer or EMTs might have equipment or supply needs. In addition, several nonprofits in the Upper Valley addressing addiction issues might welcome a donation. Alternatively, the Town could seek advice from the Vermont Opioid Settlement Advisory Committee.

A decision on the use of funds may not be possible by the end of the fiscal year on June 30.  If that is the case, perhaps it is appropriate to make a bookkeeping entry that will encumber the funds, preventing them from being classified as general surplus at fiscal year-end.

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4 Replies to “How should Norwich use its opioid settlement funds?”

  1. It’s important that we don’t misuse funds that are greenwashed from the Sackler family and Purdue Pharma.

    They may be “booked” as miscellaneous revenue bc who would have an accounting line item for opioid settlement dollars. That said, they should go to eduction and prevention. Possibly a speaker series and handouts or periodic mailings and or even radio spots for the UV audience.

  2. Thanks Chris for making “us” and especially the Select Board aware of these funds. … and in particular for providing the video that high lights what happened (did not happen) with big tobacco settlements. I hope we can do better
    Charlotte Metcalf