Update on the Upper Loveland Road Solar Project: Developer Objects to PUC Order for Town Review

Is the controversial Upper Loveland Road solar project coming back to the Town of Norwich for review? The Public Utility Commission (PUC) recently issued an order directing the developer of the solar panel farm, an entity related to Norwich Technologies, to confirm ongoing support from the Town as a “preferred site.” The PUC order in that case (21-3587-NMP) specifies four significant changes to the project, since the developer made its presentation to the Planning Commission in July 2021, including increased Continue reading Update on the Upper Loveland Road Solar Project: Developer Objects to PUC Order for Town Review

Neighbors/Intervenors allege ‘bait and switch’ on Upper Loveland Road solar project

A group of ten residents say Norwich Upper Loveland Solar LLC engaged in “bait and switch” behavior in obtaining preferred site status, from the Norwich Planning Commission and Selectboard, for its over 8-acre solar project off of Upper Loveland Road, near the cell tower. The project is in the Ridgeline Protection Overlay zoning district of Norwich. The ten residents also say the visual impact of the project has changed, since the Planning Commission and Selectboard blessed the project. The residents Continue reading Neighbors/Intervenors allege ‘bait and switch’ on Upper Loveland Road solar project

‘Preferred siting’ for solar is back on Selectboard agenda

The Selectboard will hear a presentation from Town Manager (and Director of Planning) Roderick Francis on the topic of preferred siting for solar projects at its meeting on February 23. It is agenda item #7. However, no materials on that item are in the Selectboard packet released on Friday for the meeting. Preferred site status for solar panel farms sparked outcry at the February 9 Selectboard meeting. Several neighbors near the proposed 8-acre Upper Loveland Road project are asking the Continue reading ‘Preferred siting’ for solar is back on Selectboard agenda

FYI: Site video and plans of the proposed Upper Loveland Road solar farm

A video of the proposed solar panel farm location was posted on YouTube by Ameridane Press on February 9. It is available below and here. To give that video more context, below is a portion of the Act 250 Site Plan. It was submitted to the PUC by Norwich Technologies in the CPG proceeding for the proposed Upper Loveland Road solar farm. However, I believe the map dates back to the permit for the cell tower over ten years ago. Continue reading FYI: Site video and plans of the proposed Upper Loveland Road solar farm

A group of residents asks the Selectboard to rescind preferred site status granted to proposed Upper Loveland Road solar farm

A group of six residents is asking the Selectboard to rescind the preferred site status the Town granted to a proposed Upper Loveland Road solar panel farm in August. The neighbors say the project violates the Town Plan. In addition, they complain the Selectboard made no specific effort to notify property owners abutting the site. The matter is not an agenda item. The letter dated February 3 (“Letter”) is in the Selectboard packet for the February 9 meeting, at page Continue reading A group of residents asks the Selectboard to rescind preferred site status granted to proposed Upper Loveland Road solar farm