Norwich ‘Working Group’ Fails In Transparency

A Working Group of public officials, formed in November by the Norwich Selectboard, is apparently not giving public notice of its meetings or posting meeting minutes. This failure seemingly violates Vermont’s Open Meeting Law. The group, known as the the Town Facilities Working Group, is to make recommendations to the Selectboard later this month regarding $4 million in improvements to Town buildings to reduce their carbon footprint. The ambitious goal is to have an Article on the ballot at Town Continue reading Norwich ‘Working Group’ Fails In Transparency

Norwich Cyber Scam: Insurance To Cover Loss

The Town of Norwich’s insurance policy will cover the direct loss suffered from the business email compromise (BEC) scam that saw nearly $250,000 stolen from the Town’s General Fund. Town Manager Herb Durfee made the public announcement at the Selectboard meeting on Wednesday, as seen on CATV, although the Selectboard knew a number of days earlier. The Town’s insurance is through the Vermont League of Cities and Towns, which oversees the Property and Casualty Intermunicipal Fund or PACIF. Previously, PACIF Continue reading Norwich Cyber Scam: Insurance To Cover Loss

Cyber Scam Report: Finance Director Made Payments Knowing They Violated Policy

The Burgess Investigation Report, relating to the the business email compromise (BEC) scam that saw $250,000 stolen from the Town, says that Finance Director Donna Flies knew she was violating Town policy but believed she was acting on orders from her boss, Town Manager Herb Durfee. The report prepared by Burgess Loss Prevention Associate in Lebanon, NH was made public today, after the Selectboard unanimously voted at its regular meeting last night to release the complete report. In August, Finance Continue reading Cyber Scam Report: Finance Director Made Payments Knowing They Violated Policy

‘Amateur hour’? Setting the Norwich property tax rate.

Norwich property tax bills are out. The overall rate is lower. This post addresses the presentation/discussion at the Selectboard meeting on the setting of the Town tax rate. It seemed disorganized to me. “Amateur hour” suggested one Selectboard member.  At the last Selectboard meeting, the Board, by a 3-2 vote, set the municipal tax rate at about a half-cent less than that recommended by the Town Manager. Selectboard members Pepper, Brochu and Langhus voted in favor of the motion.  Selectboard members Arnold and Continue reading ‘Amateur hour’? Setting the Norwich property tax rate.

Q & A With Daybreak’s Creator Rob Gurwitt

The morning brief of Upper Valley news (and weather) provided by Daybreak is entrenched as part of my morning routine. Hard to believe that Daybreak first arrived on the scene less than six months ago.   The mastermind behind Daybreak is Rob Gurwitt, a Norwich resident for 20 years and a writer and journalist for most of his working life. He kindly agreed to respond to some questions about this project.   Tell me about Daybreak. What is Daybreak? Why did you start it? The idea is pretty simple: Continue reading Q & A With Daybreak’s Creator Rob Gurwitt

Shawn Gonyaw Named MCS Principal

Shawn Gonyaw will serve as principal of Marion Cross School next school year, succeeding “Mr. Bill” Hammond who is set to retire. The announcement was made to applause at the Norwich School Board meeting last night, as seen on CATV.  Mr. Gonyaw is currently the principal at the the Barnet School, a K-8 school in Barnet, Vermont.In introducing Mr. Gonyaw, School Board Chair Tom Candon said we are “grateful that we found you that you decided to join us here and Continue reading Shawn Gonyaw Named MCS Principal

Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! The photo is of a character called the Observer from Fringe, an American science fiction television series created by J. J. Abrams that ran on the Fox network in September 2008 to January 2013