HereCast, the website dedicated to content ‘by locals for locals’, went dark on December 31. This is big loss for residents of and visitors to the Upper Valley specifically and for hyperlocal coverage in rural communities in general. Previously known as the dailyUV, the site was very popular here, “reaching more than half of Upper Valley residents month-in, month-out,” said the HereCast website. “HereCast showed that — given the opportunity — people from all walks of life will step up to inform and engage their communities.”

The web has no shortage of places to blog. To me, what made HereCast special was that it created a central place for locals – individuals, nonprofits, and municipalities – to speak to the whole community. The news and information was local, real, and FREE. Ads were from local businesses. Regional newspapers can’t (or won’t) provide the same service in a rural community.