The Norwich Finance Committee issued its preliminary recommendations regarding the proposed budget. Its memorandum is in the packet for the Selectboard meeting on January 6, 2020, starting at page 22 of the “revised” packet.
Some highlights.
- Budget should be flat, in real terms. “The NFC believes the FY22 budget should remain flat vs. FY21 in real terms. Accounting for inflationary pressures, a reasonable nominal target increase would be in the order of 3%.” It seems doubtful that the Selectboard will support this recommendation. Only Selectboard Chair Claudette Brochu has supported a relatively flat budget. At last count,Selectboard member Langhus is proposing a 8.48% increase. Board members Arnold and Gere are at about 11.5%; Selectboard member Layton suggests a 17.10% increase. See packet at 12.
- Form a Capital Planning Committee. The Finance Committee also recommends that the “capital budget should be reviewed prior to the regular operating budget, to avoid the crunch of budget season and give the capital budget the attention it needs.”
- Start the budget process earlier. The recommendation is to get a budget in the hands of the Selectboard by the end of October, with presentations from Department Heads in November. Presentations occurred in December this year.
- Decrease reliance on gas-powered vehicles. “As electric vehicle technology continues to improve at a very fast pace, we believe the town should be looking at short-term solutions, such as leasing or purchasing used vehicles.”
In addition to the recommendations, the memorandum contains a brief overview of Town Finances, helpful to those not overly familiar with them.
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