The following appeared as a letter to the editor in the Valley News on Sunday. (H/T DF.)
Targeted by a hateful slur, and no help from the grown-ups
I am 12 years old, a sixth grader at Marion Cross Elementary School, and an out lesbian to my family, friends and the students in my grade. Recently I was outside Dan & Whit’s with my brother, buying ice cream. In front of us in line were two people from my school. They were having a normal conversation, until one noticed me, turned around to his friends, and loudly announced— literally announced — “Lesbo!” For those who don’t know, “lesbo” is an offensive and derogatory term for lesbians.
Then the perpetrators whispered among themselves and mocked my younger brother. I was shocked, angry, sad, confused and shamed. Those are the kinds of emotions hate speech evokes. I don’t know the person who said this well, so I prayed someone else — preferably an adult — would intervene. But no one did. Of the 15 or so grown-ups in the area, I’m guessing seven or more heard this remark. Not one of them told the boys in line to knock it off, that they can’t say that insulting stuff to other kids. All those people from my small town just walked on by, ignoring the slur.
If you witness something like what I just described, please help. These painful experiences can cause trouble later in life, and (as I already know) they build up. Kids should be held accountable for shouting this kind of language at others. I shouldn’t have to fight as one person against this societal hate impressed into young minds. I need reinforcement in the moment.
The irony of it all is that this incident happened right under the nice banner that says “Hate Does Not Grow in the Rocky Soil of Norwich, Vermont.” After this experience, I’m not so sure about that.
Does it?
This is a sad and abhorrent event in our Town. The bully should have his actions reviewed by his parents and MCS. There is no place in our society for this behavior. It can lead to dire consequences. I applaud the young lady for speaking out and being strong to communicate the event. I am sickened by the lack of action by surrounding adults, but that lack of action is all too prevalent in a society where people would rather place a sign at the end of their driveway or a banner in a performative manner rather than act.
I will donate $25 to this young lady and her friends for ice cream and will contact Dan F to arrange the credit. Further I suggest a rally be held in Town for her to support her and that Norwich consider adding a Pride role to parades in the future.
We need to support our youth.