Herb Durfee’s tenure as Norwich Town Manager may be drawing to a close. By a 2-3 vote at Friday’s special Selectboard meeting, a motion to discuss extending his contract failed.
The Town Manager’s contract expires at the end of April. However, under that agreement, the deadline for the Town to offer Mr. Durfee a new contract is January 30. The Selectboard met several times in executive session since December 11 to discuss the topic.
The draft meeting minutes released Sunday January 26 say in part:
Motion made by Layton (2nd Brochu) to enter into public session at 5:05 pm.
4. Layton moved (2nd Arnold) to enter into discussion with the Town Manager regarding a new contract that would be for a period beyond the expiration of his current contract. Motion failed (Layton, Arnold-yes; Brochu, Langhus, Pepper-no).
January 24, 2020 draft meeting minutes
Whether the decision is “final” is not entirely clear. Notably, two Board members casting “no” votes have terms expiring on March 3, 2020. Chair John Pepper is not running for reelection. Vice-chair Claudette Brochu filed her petition to run with the Town Clerk on January 24.
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