The Selectboard aims to fill the vacancy on the Board at its meeting on July 27. The applicants are Aaron Lamperti and Pamela Smith. The person selected will serve until Town Meeting 2023. The vacancy occurred when Claudette Brochu resigned from the Selectboard.
The applications are in the Selectboard packet, at pages 3 to 6. Question number 3 on the application asks for “any experiences, skills and/or qualifications which you feel would especially suit you for this appointment.”
Ms. Smith writes:
I was a candidate for Selectboard in 2021 and 2022. I have served in elected and appointed positions in Town governance for over 3 years. I have a good understanding of the OML and a strong accounting and finance background.
In response to that question, Mr. Lamperti says:
I have experience with Norwich government and staff through my work with the Energy Committee, A36TF and Fire Department. I am also deeply familiar with the town itself having spent most of my life here.
On the listserv, a number of folks, including me, supported Ms. Smith because she was a runner up in the last election, garnering hundreds of votes. Others expressed the view that the Selectboard should chose the person most qualified.
A Valley News article of July 11 by Darren Macy says:
[Selectboard Chair Roger] Arnold said getting someone who is familiar with the Selectboard’s work as soon as possible will be important.
“There’s no shortage of issues that the new board member would need to become familiar with,” Arnold said. “We look forward to making an appointment forthwith.”
I certainly hope that Pam Smith is selected as the temporary SB member to fill Brochus’ vacated position. Pam is obviously well qualified. That said, I believe the SB, and I hope that I am wrong, will select Lamperti. Does the SB have some kind of hidden agenda? Guess we will see on the 27th.
Democracy dies in the darkness. The candidate who indicated he has zero budget skills or knowledge was just appointed by the SB.